Robotics Coordinate Transform (Python)
- You will need the
implementation which was split from the roscode. You can find this lib here
export prefix="/tmp/rct"
export prefix_tf2_py="${prefix}/tf2_py"
cd /tmp
git clone
cd geometry_experimental/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix_tf2_py
make install -j4
- RSB See documentation at:
- RST See documentation at:
Once you got the environment setup, you can install rct-python easily.
Source your environment and set up your (target) $prefix and install:
export prefix="/tmp/rct"
export prefix_rct_python="${prefix}/rct-python/"
python install --prefix=$prefix
There are two examples in the examples folder within the repo (will not be installed). See these for a detailed test. They will also work with their C++ counterpart.
import time
import rct
import logging
a = rct.TransformerFactory()
p = a.create_transform_publisher("ExamplePublisher")
t_s = rct.Transform("blub", "parentoruu", "childoruu", time.time())
p.send_transform(t_s, rct.TransformType.STATIC)
t_d = rct.Transform("bla", "leParent", "leChild", time.time())
p.send_transform(t_d, rct.TransformType.DYNAMIC)
r = a.create_transform_receiver()
You can simply start the
file, which will provide a static and a dynamic transformation. There is a similar example in the java implementation of rct, which does the with a different predix.
Afterwards, simply running the
will perform a test on the by python and java provided transformation.
Alternatively, you can paste this in an ipython session within a setup environment to test one single transformation and apply it.
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
import rct
from pyrr import Matrix33, Matrix44, Vector4
tf2_subscriber = rct.TransformerFactory().create_transform_receiver()
print "Available Transforms:\n\t".join(("\t" + tf2_subscriber.all_frames_as_string()).split('\n'))
when = time.time()
tf = tf2_subscriber.lookup_transform("python_static", "base", when)
p = Vector4([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
p_transformed = tf.transformation.apply_transformation(p)
print p, "-->", p_transformed
Please note that the future pattern has not yet been implemented in this version. Only past transformations can be obtained.