This repo is no longer being maintained. Users are welcome to fork it, but we make no warranty of its functionality.
Note: Inspired by svendowideit/ambassador, but it is not a Trusted Image and uses top to keep-alive which uses too much CPU. This version uses watch ls instead and is a Trusted Image.
Ambassador Pattern Linking
Ambassadors are containers who's sole purpose is to help connect containers across multiple hosts.
# start actual MySQL server
$ docker run -d --name mysql ctlc/mysql
# then to run it (on the host that has the real backend on it)
$ docker run -d --link mysql:mysql --name mysql_ambassador -p 3306:3306 ctlc/ambassador
# on the remote host, you can set up another ambassador setting environment variables for each remote port we want to proxy
$ docker run -d --name mysql_ambassador_proxy -p 3306 -e MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP=tcp:// ctlc/ambassador