An interactive circular progress ring which counts how often the user filled it (reached 100%). The progress ring and the interactive component can be used separately. So if you are just in a search for a progress ring you can use this one as well.
I use it in my application to have a fast, intuitive way to set a time interval. (100% equals 30 minutes, thus if the user reaches "150%" a interval of 45 minutes is set.
All props for the filling circle goes to Greg Douglas.
yarn add react-native-radial-counter
backgroundColor={"#e6e6e6"} tintColor={this.props.tint}
innerRadius={this.diameter / 2 - 10} outerRadius={this.diameter / 2}
onTimesRoundedChange={(timesRounded) =>
this.setState(o => {
return { timesRounded: Math.max(timesRounded, 0) }
onRingProgressChange={(ringProgress) =>
this.setState(o => {
return { ringProgress }
useButton: true,
buttonColor: this.props.tint,
buttonActiveColor: this.props.tintDisabled,
gap: 15
}} />
Non interactive progress ring.
- backgroundColor: [string] Background color of the ring
- tinColor: [string] Tint color of the ring
- innerRadius: [number] Radius to the inner bounding of the ring
- outerRadius: [number] Radius to the outer bounding of the ring
- progress: [number] Amount the ring is filled [0-1]
Interactive version of the progress ring. This is a controlled component.
- backgroundColor: [string] Background color of the ring
- tinColor: [string] Tint color of the ring
- innerRadius: [number] Radius to the inner bounding of the ring
- outerRadius: [number] Radius to the outer bounding of the ring
- progress: [number] Amount the ring is filled [0-1]
- containerStyle: [object] Style object for touch receiving container
- longPressDelay: [number] Delay until touch is recognized for controlling the ring (ms).
- timesRounded: [number] Times the ring was filled
- onTimesRoundedChange: [function] Called when the 100% mark is reached. Passed parameter is an integer.
- onRingProgressChange: [function] Called when the ring progress changes. Passed parameter reaches from 0.0-1.0.
- buttonOptions: [buttonOptions]
- useButton: [boolean] If the ring only appears when a button in the rings center is pressed
- gap: [number] Gap between button and ring,
- buttonColor: [string] color of the button,
- buttonActiveColor: [string] color the button gets when active