- Version: 0.9.2
- Date: 2018-12-14
- Authors: Iago Mosqueira, EC JRC. Ernesto Jardim, EC JRC.
- Maintainer: Iago Mosqueira, EC JRC.
- Repository: https://github.com/flr/mse/
- Bug reports: https://github.com/flr/mse/issues
Tools for constructing, running and analyzing Management Strategy Evaluation simulations using FLR.
To install this package, start R and enter:
install.packages("mse", repos="http://flr-project.org/R")
or directly from the github repository by using:
- Help pages
- Vignette
Copyright (c) 2016 European Union. European Commission Joint Research Centre D.02. Released under the EUPL 1.1.
You are welcome to:
- Submit suggestions and bug-reports at: https://github.com/flr/mse/issues
- Send a pull request on: https://github.com/flr/mse/
- Compose a friendly e-mail to: [email protected]