SH-assembly is a pipeline for de novo genome assembly. It uses a de Bruijn graph (DBG)-based method. It counts the k-mers using CQF-deNoise followed by contracting unbranched paths in DBG to unitigs. After that, the unitig graph is simplified using the graph simplification module in Minia. In the original Minia program, we can not directly call its simplication module. Here we provide a customized version of Minia (v3 git commit n3eb6f54), using which we can directly call its simplification module.
- z (at least
- bz2
- boost
- tbb (tested with version
, which can be installed with condaconda install -c conda-forge tbb=2019.7
). Version2020.3
also worked (reported by Stephan in the issue #5)
git clone
#go to project root directory
cd SH-assembly
mkdir release
cd release
cmake ..
#this will make all targets, including a customized version of CQF-deNoise, and assembly program.
cd ..
#install a customized version of minia, where the simplification module can be run as an idenpendent step.
git clone
cd Minia
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
mkdir release
cd release
cmake ..
make -j8
The basic workflow to run SH-assembly is
- run CQF-deNoise to count kmers.
- run Contiger to build unitig graph.
- run Minia to simplify unitig graph, and produce contigs.
For each program, run the program without arguments for usage instructions. Following is the detailed manual for each step.
./CQF-deNoise <options>
-h [ --help ] print help messages
-k arg k-mer size
-n [ --trueKmer ] arg number of unique true k-mers
-N arg total number of k-mers
-e [ --alpha ] arg (=-1) average base error rate, when specified, the
<errorProfile> is ignored
--errorProfile arg error profile in a file, each line with error rate
for the corresponding base, e.g. the error rate of
the second base is specified in the second line
--fr arg (=0) tolerable rate of true k-mers being wrongly removed,
default: 1/<trueKmer>
--deNoise arg (=-1) number of rounds of deNoise, when specified, the
<fr> is ignored
--endDeNoise call deNoise after processing all the k-mers (not
counted into the <deNoise>)
-t arg (=16) number of threads
-f [ --format ] arg format of the input: g(gzip); b(bzip2); f(plain
-i [ --input ] arg a file containing a list of read file name(s), should
be in the same directory as the fastq file(s)
-o [ --output ] arg output file name
Users are required to specify either <alpha>
or <errorProfile>
If you have no idea about the error rate or the error profile of the sequencing techniques used to generate your data, you can use ntCard to first estimate the k-mer frequency histogram.
NtCard is quite efficient and it produces a lot of useful statistics, including the total number of k-mers (<N>
), number of k-mers with different occurrence counts.
And then by taking k-mers with low counts (e.g. singletons or k-mers with counts <=2, depending on the sequencing depth) as potential false k-mers and the rest of the k-mers as true k-mers, you can estimate an average base error rate by computing 1 - (T/N)^(1/k)
, where T
is the total number of true k-mers (please notice that T
is not <n>
If you don't know the number of unique true k-mers (<n>
), you can use the number of k-mers with enough occurrence counts (e.g. >=2 or >=3) as an approximation, or you can use the size of the genome as the approximation of the number of unique true k-mers (<n>
Following is an example of how to set the parameters to run CQF-deNoise based on the k-mer frequency histogram estimated by ntCard to count the 47-mers in a C.elegans data set.
The output of the ntCard (run with '-k47') contains
F1 16506371070 #this is the total number of k-mers <N>
F0 1810841770 #this is the total number of unique k-mers
f1 1665561610 #this is the number of unique k-mers occuring once
f2 26122317 #this is the number of unique k-mers occuring twice
f3 6172811
f<x> ....
Based on the output of the ntCard, we can set
N = F1 = 16506371070
n = F0 - f1 - f2 = 119157843 (which is similar to the size of the C.elegans genome, ~100 Mb)
e = 1 - ((F1 - f1 - 2*f2)/F1)^(1/k) = 0.00234
Please notice that in this example, we consider k-mers with counts <= 2 as potential false k-mers, since the sequencing depth of our data is very high (>100x). If you are using a data set of low sequencing depth, we recommmed you consider only singleton k-mers as potential false k-mers to estimate the values of parameters as stated above.
For this example, we can run
./CQF-deNoise -k 47 -N 16506371070 -n 119157843 -e 0.00234 -i ReadFiles.txt -o k47.cqf
CQF-deNoise can save a lot of space especially when the sequencing depth is high or there are a huge number of false k-mers. When the data set is of low sequencing depth or contains only a few number of false k-mers, we recommend you run CQF-deNoise without removing any k-mers by setting --deNoise=0
./Contiger <options>
-h [ --help ] print help messages
-k arg k-mer size
-i [ --input ] arg a file containing a list of read file
name(s), should be absolute address if
the files are not in the running
-f [ --format ] arg (=f) format of the input: g(gzip); b(bzip2);
f(plain fastq)
-c [ --cqf ] arg the counting quotient filter built with
the same 'k'
-s [ --abundance_min ] arg (=2) minimum coverage of k-mers used to
extend the assembly
-x [ --solid_abundance_min ] arg (=2) minimum coverage of a solid k-mer to
start the assembly
-X [ --solid_abundance_max ] arg (=1000000)
maximum coverage of a solid k-mer to
start the assembly
-t arg (=16) number of threads
-o [ --output ] arg (=unitigs.fa) output contig file name (fasta)
For example, we can run
./Contiger -k 47 -i ReadFiles.txt -c k47.cqf -o unitigs.fa
Detailed manual to run Minia can be found here. In our customized version of Minia, we introduce an extra parameter "-unitig". When specified, it indicates that the input is unitig, and the graph simplification module will be called.
For example, we can run
./minia -kmer-size 47 -unitig -in unitigs.fa