Create list application. Design is in list.xd file, which can be opened in Adobe XD.
# install
npm ci
# serve with hot-reload for development
npm run serve
DONE - List data should be stored in localStorage
DONE - List should be sortable by either string value (a-z) or by added date (newest first)
DONE - List item should display the delete button on mouse over
DONE - New item # should be equal to maximum number from list plus 1 (starting from 1)
DONE - Each item should keep track of when the item was added
DONE - Search bar should have multiple functionality
- DONE - Non-empty value can be cleared through the clear button, or by pressing Escape key
- DONE - If searched string (case insensitive) is already present in the list, the add button is disabled and appropriate item is marked as "Exact match"
- DONE - If no exact match is found, the add button is enabled and click on it or press of Enter key should add the string to the list
DONE - Search bar, list item and icons (svg files in assets) should be individual components
DONE - All components should use typescript for its
part with composition api (setup) and scss module for its<style>
part DONE - All colors should be defined in_color.scss
The following libraries are available, you can import any utility you'll need.