CirrusMDSDK is an embeddable SDK. It enables customers of CirrusMD to provide the CirrusMD patient chat experience in their own applications. While the example application will work in a sandboxed environment when built, integrating CirrusMDSDK into your own application will require you to be a CirrusMD customer. Integration requires a unique secret
and SSO token
to work correctly. Please contact your CirrusMD account representative for more information.
- Example Application
- Screen Shots
- Requirements
- Installation
- Basic Usage
- Advanced Usage
- Module Stability Requirement
- Objective-C Requirement
- License
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- Requires Xcode 14.0 or later
- Requires project Swift version to be 5.1 or later
- Requires
Build Settings > Build Options > Build Libraries for Distribution
to be set toYes
. More information on this requirement and a possible workaround can be found in the Module Stability Requirement documentation. - Requires CocoaPods version 1.10.0 or later. This is related to the Module Stability Requirement.
- Required project language is Swift or Objective-C
- If the project is Objective-C
Build Settings > Build Options > Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
must be set toYes
. More information on this requirement can be found in the Objective-C Requirement documentation
- If the project is Objective-C
The CirrusMDSDK installs as a prebuilt framework, CirrusMDSDK.xcframework
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate CirrusMDSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source '' # <-- Make sure to add this line if it's not already in your Podfile
source '' # <-- Make sure to add this line
platform :ios, '13.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'CirrusMDSDK'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
If you prefer not to use any of the aforementioned dependency managers, or you would like to use Swift Package Manager(SPM does not currently support binary targets with dependancies so manual install is the best way for CirrusMD and it's dependancies and then you can use SPM for the rest of your dependancies), you can integrate CirrusMDSDK into your project manually quite easily.
First download the desired version of the SDK from{VERSION}/ where {VERSION} is replaced by the desired version. For example
Then you will need to download the proper dependancies for that version. Keep in mind this will only work well for the XCFramewrok versions of the SDK and dependancies so versions older than 11.0.0 will not work well and should not be installed manually. To find the dependancies you need for a specific version of the SDK please refer to the Podspec for that version. You can find our Podspec files located at look for the latest version and then you will find the s.dependency
entries in that file list the specific versions required for a manual install of that version of the SDK. Then the XCFrameworks for those libraries can be download from the releases section of their respective repositories. For proper linking if you decide to manually install the CirrusMD SDK then it's dependancies must be included manually as well.
Here is an example of the dependancies required for the 11.4.0 version of the CirrusMD SDK.
s.dependency 'Kingfisher', '~> 7.9.1'
s.dependency 'AmazonChimeSDK-No-Bitcode', '~> 0.23.3'
The code and XCFramework downloads for these dependancies can be found here:
Once downloaded it is recommended that you create a folder in your project directory to put the XCFrameworks in for all your statically linked frameworks. This way you can drag and drop future versions without having to re-link the files.
In order to get the CirrusMDSDK working while statically linked like this you must open your project to the main project screen(the same screen that has you app's name and target version) then scroll down to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
section and click the +
to add a new Framework. When the modal window opens select Add Other
from the bottom and Add Files...
off the menu that pops up. You will have to do this 4 times to add the 4 required frameworks, two of which are AWS Chime related. All of the XCFrameworks can be downloaded from the URLs above.
And They are:
- CirrusMDSDK.xcframework
- AmazonChimeSDK.xcframework
- AmazonChimeSDKMedia.xcframework
- Kingfisher.xcframework
Once all 4 of those are linked here you should see them show up on the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content
list as blue tool boxes. Then all you have to do is clean and build and you can start using the CirrusMDSDK as normal.
Basic usage of of the CirrusMDSDK is very simple.
- Import CirrusMDSDK
- Retrieve a token via SSO
- Set the CirrusMD provided secret on the SDK
- Set the SSO provided token on the SDK
- Grab the viewController from CirrusMDSDK and present it
- import CirrusMDSDK
import CirrusMDSDK
#import <CirrusMDSDK/CirrusMDSDK-Swift.h>
- Our team works with your technical staff to provide SSO for your patients using the CirrusMD platform. The CirrusMDSDK uses tokens retrieved via SSO from CirrusMD's SSO service. Each SSO integration is slightly customized based on your needs. In general, your backend service requests a token representing a patient from our SSO service which provides the token that should be set on the SDK.
* Do not cache CirrusMD provided JWTs *
- Set the CirrusMD provided secret. The secret is unique to your organization. To receive a valid client secret contact your account representative at CirrusMD. The secret must be set prior to setting the token in the next step. You must also set set the secret after logging out of the SDK.
[CirrusMD.singleton setSecret: @"CIRRUSMD-PROVIDED-SECRET"];
- AFTER setting the secret on the SDK, set the token. This is your opportunity to verify that the token provided to the SDK is able to load a patient.
The completion closure is retained throughout the life of the SDK. It is called with
`.success` one time after the token is set if successful.
The completion closure is called with `.invalidToken`, `.noSecretProvided` or
`.serviceUnavailable` every time the status changes.
CirrusMD.singleton.setToken("RETRIEVED_TOKEN") { result in
switch result {
case .success:
// The token is valid and the patient's profile loaded successfully.
// Showing a MessageViewController will load properly.
case .invalidToken:
// The token is expired, incomplete, invalid and/or the patient was
// unable to load. You must retrieve a new token before proceeding.
case .noSecretProvided:
// No secret has been set on the SDK. Set the secret and retry
// setting the token.
case .serviceUnavailable:
// CirrusMD servers are unreachable.
The completion block is retained throughout the life of the SDK. It is called with
`CirrusMDResultSuccess` one time after the token is set if successful.
The completion block is called with `CirrusMDResultInvalidToken`,
`CirrusMDResultNoSecretProvided` or `CirrusMDResultServiceUnavailable`
every time the status changes.
[CirrusMD.singleton setToken:"RETRIEVED_TOKEN"
completion:^(CirrusMDResult result)
switch (result) {
case CirrusMDResultSuccess:
// The token is valid and the patient's profile loaded successfully.
// Showing a MessageViewController will load properly.
case CirrusMDResultInvalidToken:
// The token is expired, incomplete, invalid and/or the patient was
// unable to load. You must retrieve a new token before proceeding.
case CirrusMDResultNoSecretProvided:
// No secret has been set on the SDK. Set the secret and retry
// setting the token.
case CirrusMDResultServiceUnavailable:
// CirrusMD servers are unreachable
- Retrieve the CirrusMDSDK viewController and present it.
NOTE CirrusMDSDK's viewController MUST be embedded within a UINavigationController (either by pushing it onto an existing UINavigationController as demonstrated below or by being added to a new UINavigationController that can be presented modally).
let controller = CirrusMD.singleton.viewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
// or
self.present(controller, animated: true) {...}
UIViewController *controller = CirrusMD.singleton.viewController;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
// or
[self presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:^{...}];
If the SDK has been provided with a valid secret and token the SSO user's channel's of care will display in the presented view controller.
Ideally, your patients always see a working view when you present CirrusMD.singleton.viewController
. However, there are certain times when we're unable to show the normal experience.
The first is when you have explicity called logout()
or, if you have the Settings view enabled, when the user taps the Sign Out button in Settings. We recommend calling logout, only when your patient logs out of your appication and correctly handling a user logging out as noted in Other Delegate Callbacks. In that case they will not see the logged out view because they will be logged out of your application as well. You should log them back into the SDK when they next log back into your application.
The second is when the SDK is unable to verify the secret and/or token or encounters a network error. In either case, an error view is shown. We recommend you handle all errors passed to the last argument of CirrusMD.singleton.setToken
's completion handler prior to showing the CirrusMD.singleton.viewController
if possible. Doing so will provide a better experience for your user. Some errors may happen after the CirrusMD.singleton.viewController
is already on screen. In that case, error view is displayed.
Two screens displayed by the SDK have default values that can be customized. The logged out view and error view. We strongly recommend that you provide your own custom views for both cases. Because the CirrusMDSDK uses SSO to authenticate your patients, we are unable to provide logged out UI that helps the patient log back in. By providing your patients with a custom logout out view you can, for example, provide relevant messaging and a button to log back in using the same SSO you implemented to log them in originally. Every time the error view is shown the resolution is retrieving a new SSO token and setting it via CirrusMD.singleton.setToken(:)
. Providing a custom error view gives you the ability to display relevant messaging and interactions the user can take, most likely a button to re-attempt SSO.
Customization of both the logged out view and error view happens via the CirrusMDDelegate
- Implement
- Provide custom views for any or all of the optional delegates.
- Set a frame on the view you provide and it will be centered in the yellow area of the screen below.
// CirrusMDDelegate
func viewForError(code: CirrusMDResult) -> UIView {
// return a custom logged out view
func viewForLoggedOut() -> UIView {
// return a custom view appropriate for the CirrusMDResult
// CirrusMDDelegate
- (UIView *)viewForLoggedOut {
// return a custom logged out view
- (UIView *)viewForErrorWithCode:(enum CirrusMDResult)code {
// return a custom view appropriate for the CirrusMDResult
There are callbacks on CirrusMDDelegate
for when a user is logged in or logged out of the SDK (for example when a user uses the Sign Out button in settings). These callbacks can be used to correctly handle the CirrusMDSDK in your application. For example you can dismiss CirrusMD.singleton.viewController
when a user logs out.
// CirrusMDDelegate
func userLoggedIn(credentialId: Int) {
// Handle user logged into CirrusMDSDK
func userLoggedOut() {
// Handle user logged out of CirrusMDSDK
// CirrusMDDelegate
- (void)userLoggedInCredentialId:(NSInteger)credentialId {
// Handle user logged into CirrusMDSDK
- (void)userLoggedOut {
// Handle user logged out of CirrusMDSDK
The SDK reports errors through the errorRecieved() delegate function. Currently this is just being used to report video errors. Expect further error reporting in the future.
func errorReceived(error: NSError, attributes: [AnyHashable: String]?) {
// Handle error and attributes
- (void)errorReceivedWithError:(NSError *)error attributes:(NSDictionary<id<NSCopying>,NSString *> *)attributes {
// Handle error and attributes
The SDK reports the video session connection status, this can be used to report video related events.
func videoSessionConnectionStatus(attributes: [AnyHashable: String]?) {
// Handle attributes
- (void)videoSessionConnectionStatusWithAttributes:(NSDictionary<id<NSCopying>,NSString *> *)attributes {
// Handle attributes
You may wish to log the user out of the SDK when they sign out of your application. Logging the user out destroys the associated CirrusMD server session and unregisters the device from CirrusMD delivered push notifications if previously registred.
[CirrusMD.singleton logout];
In order to enable push notifications for your patients you'll need to provide CirrusMD with the APNS certificate used for the Bundle Identifier associated with your application. Contact your account representative at CirrusMD to enable CirrusMD push notification delivery.
AFTER providing CirrusMD with your APNS Certificate, register for push notifications. Before registering your device token with the CirrusMD system you must authenticate to the SDK; This means that before you call the registration code below you need to have successfully called CirrusMD.setSessionToken(token: String)
and received a CirrusDataEvents.Success
event in the CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.onDataEvent
interface. So that we can properly save the device token for that specific user.
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { (success, error) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
[[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter] requestAuthorizationWithOptions:(UNAuthorizationOptionBadge | UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionAlert) completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error) {
[UIApplication.sharedApplication registerForRemoteNotifications];
Use the deviceToken
provided by Apple when application(_:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:)) is called.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
[CirrusMD.singleton registerForRemoteNotifications:deviceToken];
[CirrusMD.singleton unregisterForRemoteNotifications];
The SDK provides methods to help handle push notifications and their interactions.
The payload of the package sent by CirrusMD has the shape shown below:
"event": "message:new",
"stream_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
So the complete push notification payload should look like:
"aps": {
"alert": "You have a new message.",
"badge": 1,
"sound": "default"
"data": {
"event": "message:new",
"stream_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
returns a bool used to determine if a notification should be displayed based on if the CirrusMDSDK ViewContoller is being shown and which streamId
is currently selected. This should be called in the willPresent
function of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
means the notification should be displayed. Either the view is not being shown or a different streamId
is selected.
means the notification should not be displayed. The view is being shown and is on the provided streamId
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
if CirrusMD.singleton.shouldPresentNotification(notification) {
completionHandler([.alert, .sound, .badge])
} else {
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions))completionHandler {
if ([CirrusMD.singleton shouldPresentNotification:notification]) {
completionHandler(UNNotificationPresentationOptionBadge | UNNotificationPresentationOptionSound | UNNotificationPresentationOptionAlert);
} else {
can be called in didReceive
of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
when a user taps a push notification.
If the CirrusMDSDK's view controller is being displayed, it will switch to the provided streamId
If the CirrusMDSDK's view controller is not being displayed, the provided streamId
will be presented when it is shown.
If the provided streamId
is not found on the current user's profile, no action will be taken.
In addition to these actions, if the notification is for a video session, the video session will be launched once the user is presented with the corresponding stream.
Note You will also need to set the launchOptions
on your CirrusMDConfig
if you would like the CirrusMDSDK to respond to push notifications that were tapped by the user when your app is not running. An example of setting the launchOptions
on your CirrusMDConfig can be seen in the Braze section of the documentation.
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
CirrusMD.singleton.didReceiveNotification(center: center, response: response, withCompletionHandler: completionHandler)
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler {
[CirrusMD.singleton didReceiveNotificationWithCenter:center response:response withCompletionHandler:completionHandler];
There are alternate versions of the shouldPresentNotification
and didReceiveNotification
that take the notification's userInfo payload or raw event and stream ID directly if you wish to implement your push notifications in a different or more custom way.
All custom configuration of the CirrusMDSDK is done via the CirrusMDConfig
. This allows the configuration of items such as titles, colors, optional features, etc.. All of the exact options are outlined below.
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
// Set the desired properties on the config here
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
// Set the desired properties on the config here
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The CirrusMDSDK fully supports iOS dark mode. By default the views in the SDK will switch between light and dark based on the users settings in iOS. However if you have a specific app design or a switch in your apps settings to allow a user to lock the design of your app to light mode or dark mode only you will want to set the following configuration option. To override the default behavior and lock the SDK to a specific style use the overrideUserInterfaceStyle
setting on the CirrusMDConfig
object. As outlined below you can also set a separate primary color for both light and dark mode.
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .light //To lock the SDK views to light mode design only.
// Use .dark for dark mode. The default is .unspecified
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = UIUserInterfaceStyleLight; //To lock the SDK views to light mode design only.
// Use UIUserInterfaceStyleDark for dark mode.
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
Some of the navigation titles in the SDK are configurable. To override the default set a title on your CirrusMDConfig
Many of the colors in the SDK are configurable. To override the colors set them in on your CirrusMDConfig
primary // defaults to "#1a1a1a", used in avatar outlines and buttons
primaryDarkMode // defaults to primary, used in avatar outlines and buttons
offHours // defaults to "#4a4a4a", used in the Patient Encounter Queue
unassigned // defaults to "#0c4c78", used in the Patient Encounter Queue
assigned // defaults to "#44db5e", used in the Patient Encounter Queue
error // defaults to "#dd0000", will be used in the future
success // defaults to "#44db5e", will be used in the future
warning // defaults to "#daaf0f", used in the offline banner
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.title = "Custom Title Here" // defaults to "My Healthcare Services" if this is not set
config.primary =
config.primaryColorDarkMode = UIColor.purple
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.title = @"Custom Title Here"; // defaults to "My Healthcare Services" if this is not set
config.primary = @UIColor.blackColor;
config.primaryColorDarkMode = @UIColor.purpleColor;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
There is an optional Settings view that you can allow your users to have access to. The Settings view, when enabled, is accessed via a button in the navigation bar of the SDK. This Settings view allows the user to view and edit their profile, medical history, dependents, permissions, and Terms of Use / Privacy Policy. The Settings view also allows the user to manually log out of the CirrusMD. The availability of the Settings view is controlled by the CirrusMDConfig
Note The Settings view defaults to be disabled.
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.enableSettings = true
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.enableSettings = YES;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The CirrusMDSDK can support a user having dependents that can chat under their guarantor's account. When dependents support is enabled and a user has dependents they will see a dependents button that allows them to switch to chatting as that dependent. Support for dependents is controlled by the CirrusMDConfig
Note Dependent support defaults to being disabled.
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.enableDependents = true
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.enableDependents = YES;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The CirrusMDSDK can support custom right bar button items to be shown in the UINavigationController the CirrusMDSDK's view controller is embedded in. For example if you want to present the CirrusMDSDK view controller modally this can be used to add a "Done" button. The right bar button items are controlled by the rightBarButtonItems
property on CirrusMDConfig
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
let doneButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Done", style: .done, target: self, action: #selector(done))
config.rightBarButtonItems = [doneButton]
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
UIBarButtonItem *doneButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Done" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target:self action:@selector(done)];
CirrusMD.singleton.config.rightBarButtonItems = @[doneButton];
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The CirrusMDSDK supports the concept of a contact and informational banner that is developer configurable and off by default, that can be shown on some of the main views within the SDK. Specifically this banner is shown on the home screen of the SDK views called the Stream Selector. It is also shown on any chat stream and at the top of the setting page if that page is turned on in the SDK configuration. The two banners can be independently added and will only be shown when their configuration objects are set on the SDK config before the view is constructed. The first banner is the infoBannerMessage
this is a purely informational banner that can show a line of text at the top of the screen. The actionModal
banner is tappable and requires you to fill out the action modal object to both give the banner text as well as the modal content before the banner is displayed.
This banner was originally conceived for crisis hotlines to provide patients with contacts or direction when more urgent support is needed. An example of what could use this for is a suicide hotline or domestic violence hotline. Giving patients visibility to other services you offer that might fall outside the services that CirrusMD provides and that you would like to highlight during a patients time of need. Below you will see screen shots showing the design of the banner and the action modal that shows what the code example also provided below will show when configured in this way. Feel free to copy and paste from the code example into your project where you configure the SDK and build and run your app to see how it works and try the different URL options.
The code below is an example of how to achieve the above images. You can optionally decide not to add an infoBannerMessage
and it will not be displayed, or you can decide not to add an actionModal
and the tappable banner will not be displayed. It is important to note that the banner is added to the screen when it is first constructed so the pinned banner object should be added to the config when the SDK is first initialized to make sure it displays on the home scree.
let phone = CirrusMDContactOption(icon: .phone, contactText: "Call support center", contactURL: URL(string: "tel:9999999999"))
let text = CirrusMDContactOption(icon: .text, contactText: "Text us here 5555666", contactURL: URL(string: "sms:5555666"))
let chat = CirrusMDContactOption(icon: .chat, contactText: "Start a web chat", contactURL: URL(string: ""))
let tty = CirrusMDContactOption(icon: .tty, contactText: "TTY: 999-999-9999", contactURL: URL(string: "tel:9999999999"))
let footerTitle = CirrusMDContactOption(icon: .none, contactText: "Get more information", contactURL: nil)
let footer = CirrusMDContactOption(icon: .link, contactText: "", contactURL: URL(string: ""))
let bannerModal = CirrusMDActionModal(bannerTitle: "bannerTitle shows here",
modalTitle: "modalTitle shows here",
modalHeader: "modalHeader shows here",
modalSubHeader: "This is a paragraph that displayed below the title called modalSubHeader, it should be in normal body font.",
contactOptions: [phone, text, chat, tty, footerTitle, footer])
let banner = CirrusMDPinnedBanner(actionModal: bannerModal, infoBannerMessage: "infoBannerMessage shows here")
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.pinnedBanner = banner
NSString* phoneText = @"Call support center";
NSURL* phoneURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"tel:9999999999"];
CirrusMDContactOption* phone = [[CirrusMDContactOption alloc] initWithIcon: CirrusMDContactIconPhone contactText: phoneText contactURL: phoneURL];
NSString* smsText = @"Text us here 5555666";
NSURL* smsURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"sms:5555666"];
CirrusMDContactOption* text = [[CirrusMDContactOption alloc] initWithIcon: CirrusMDContactIconText contactText: smsText contactURL: smsURL];
NSString* chatText = @"Start a web chat";
NSURL* chatURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@""];
CirrusMDContactOption* chat = [[CirrusMDContactOption alloc] initWithIcon: CirrusMDContactIconChat contactText: chatText contactURL: chatURL];
NSString* ttyText = @"TTY: 999-999-9999";
NSURL* ttyURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"tel:9999999999"];
CirrusMDContactOption* tty = [[CirrusMDContactOption alloc] initWithIcon: CirrusMDContactIconTty contactText: ttyText contactURL: ttyURL];
NSString* footerTitleText = @"Get more information";
CirrusMDContactOption* footerTitle = [[CirrusMDContactOption alloc] initWithIcon: CirrusMDContactIconNone contactText: footerTitleText contactURL: NULL];
NSString* footerText = @"";
NSURL* footerURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@""];
CirrusMDContactOption* footer = [[CirrusMDContactOption alloc] initWithIcon: CirrusMDContactIconPhone contactText: footerText contactURL: footerURL];
CirrusMDActionModal* bannerModal = [[CirrusMDActionModal alloc] initWithBannerTitle:@"bannerTitle shows here" modalTitle:@"modalTitle shows here" modalHeader:@"modalHeader shows here" modalSubHeader:@"This is a paragraph that displayed below the title called modalSubHeader, it should be in normal body font." contactOptions:@[phone, text, chat, tty, footerTitle, footer]];
CirrusMDPinnedBanner* banner = [[CirrusMDPinnedBanner alloc] initWithActionModal:bannerModal infoBannerMessage:@"infoBannerMessage shows here"];
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.pinnedBanner = banner;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The CirrusMDSDK can support allowing the user to manually log themselves out of the SDK. If enabled a "Sign Out" option will exist in the Settings view as well as some error views. If this is enabled and the user does manually log out the userLoggedOut
function on CirrusMDDelegate
will be called. Support for manual user log out is controlled by the CirrusMDConfig
Note User log out support defaults to being disabled.
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.enableUserLogOut = true
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.enableUserLogOut = YES;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The SDK allows retrieval of and deep linking into specific channels.
The channels available to the authenticated user can be retrieved using the channels
function on CirrusMD
let channels = CirrusMD.singleton.channels()
NSArray<CirrusMDChannel*>* channels = [CirrusMD.singleton channels];
You can force the SDK to navigate (deep link) to one of the channels using the navigateToChannel
function on CirrusMD
let channel = CirrusMD.singleton.channels()[index]
CirrusMDChannel* channel = [CirrusMD.singleton channels][index];
[CirrusMD.singleton navigateToChannelWithId:];
The CirrusMDSDK allows the addition of a prefix to the User Agent that is sent on network requests.
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.userAgentPrefix = "Custom User Agent Prefix"
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.userAgentPrefix = @"Custom User Agent Prefix";
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The CirrusMDSDK can you provide you with a view controller that displays various debug information. For example, the current patient's ID, the push notifications token, the session token, etc..
The debug view controller can be accessed and presented manually or it can be accessed in Settings if showDebugInSettings
is set to true on your CirrusMDConfig
// Manually accessing and presenting the debug view controller
let controller = CirrusMD.singleton.debugViewController()
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated: true)
// Enabling showDebugInSettings on CirrusMDConfig
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.enableUserLogOut = true
// Manually accessing and presenting the debug view controller
UIViewController *controller = [CirrusMD.singleton debugViewController];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
// Enabling showDebugInSettings on CirrusMDConfig
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.enableUserLogOut = YES;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
The default log level is none. For debugging purposes this can be changed to one of five different logging levels. When set to verbose the SDK will print extensive logging around network requests, network responses, state changes, and other useful information to the debugger's console and the device's console. When setting the log level for debugging purposes it should be done before calling any other functions on the SDK. The logLevel is set on the CirrusMDConfig
The levels add to each other with verbose showing all available logging.
public enum CirrusMDLogLevel: Int {
case none
case error
case info
case debug
case networking
case verbose
- .none // Shows no logs
- .error // Shows only errors marked by
‼️ - .info // Adds in info logs like Web Socket connection and Reachability marked by ℹ️
- .debug // Adds in debug information for specific views, actions, and push notifications marked by 🦋
- .networking // Adds in all networking calls, both requests and responses marked by ☂️
- .verbose // Shows all logs including the ping back and forth to the Web Socket marked by 🗯️
let config = CirrusMDConfig()
config.logLevel = .verbose
CirrusMDConfig* config = [[CirrusMDConfig alloc] init];
config.logLevel = CirrusMDLogLevelVerbose;
[CirrusMD.singleton setConfig:config];
Access CirrusMD.singleton.tokenState
for the state of the token. The possible values are invalid
, valid
, and unknown
. The tokenState
can be used to troubleshoot issues with the SDK, invalid
and unknown
require retrieving a new token from the server. unknown
usually indicates that a token has not yet been set.
let tokenState = CirrusMD.singleton.tokenState
switch tokenState {
case .invalid:
case .unknown:
case .valid
CirrusMDTokenState tokenState = CirrusMD.singleton.tokenState;
switch (tokenState) {
case CirrusMDTokenStateInvalid:
case CirrusMDTokenStateUnknown:
case CirrusMDTokenStateValid:
The CirrusMDSDK (version 10.1.0 and later) supports Spanish translations if the presenting application does as well. Instructions on localizing your application can be found here.
CirrusMDSDK is built using Swift Module Stability so that it can be integrated into projects that are built with different versions of Swift, as long as that Swift version is 5.1 or later. Because of this Build Settings > Build Options > Build Libraries for Distribution
must be set to Yes
. Additionally this must be set before running pod install
(or run pod install
again after setting) due to how Build Libraries for Distribution
is handled by CocoaPods (version 1.10.0 and later). If not set, the following error (or something similar) will appear:
>dyld: Symbol not found: _$s18Kingfisher16ValidationResultO7successyA2CmFWC
> Referenced from: /Users/taylor-case/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E0BE558B-8E22-4554-9449-7B38089DB250/data/ >Containers/Bundle/Application/EBC8F562-9C70-4F58-9B71-B4AAC73E3B78/ >CirrusMDSDK
> Expected in: /Users/taylor-case/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E0BE558B-8E22-4554-9449-7B38089DB250/data/ >Containers/Bundle/Application/EBC8F562-9C70-4F58-9B71-B4AAC73E3B78/ >framework/Kingfished
> in /Users/taylor-case/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E0BE558B-8E22-4554-9449-7B38089DB250/data/Containers/Bundle/ >Application/EBC8F562-9C70-4F58-9B71-B4AAC73E3B78/
Although it's not ideal, there is a possible workaround if you cannot set Build Libraries for Distribution
to Yes
on your app (or some of its other dependencies) for some reason. The workaround uses the post_install
hook in your Podfile to set Build Libraries for Distribution
to Yes
on ONLY the CirrusMDSDK and it's dependencies and not your app or other dependencies.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |build_configuration|
build_configuration.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
Because the CirrusMDSDK is implemented in Swift, when integrating it into an Objective-C project Build Settings > Build Options > Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
must be set to Yes
. If not set the following error (or something similar) will appear:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftAVFoundation.dylib Referenced from: ../.app/Frameworks/CirrusMD.framework/CirrusMDSDK Reason: image not found
If you have an M1 or M2 mac, are running on version 10.5 or lower of the SDK, and want to build the SDK to a simulator add the following to the end of your Podfile. This is only needed to build to the simulator and is due to a dependency. We are working to remove this requirement.
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH'] = 'NO'
CirrusMD-iOS-SDK-Example is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.