UI for editing city planning projects in Kaavapino API
Before running, make sure that you have created a .env file to the project root with the following environmental variables:
(only needed in production, locally uses proxy, which is defined in package.json
(only needed in production)
'REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT=X' (production, development, testing, staging)
yarn install
yarn start
To generate token:
- fire up backend
- run in api-directory for your username and email
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml exec api ./manage.py createsuperuser
If not working try (Windows):
docker exec -it kaavapino-api /bin/bash
python ./manage.py createsuperuser
- add token for the same username
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml exec api ./manage.py create_api_token <username>
If not working try (Windows):
docker exec -it kaavapino-api /bin/bash
python ./manage.py create_api_token <user>
- Add generated token to frontend .env as REACT_APP_API_TOKEN
- fire up backend
- copy päivittyvä_Kaavaprojektitiedot.xls to api directory (see Teams)
- run in api directory
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml exec api ./manage.py import_attributes päivittyvä_Kaavaprojektitiedot.xlsx
If not working try (Windows):
docker exec -it kaavapino-api /bin/bash
python manage.py import_attributes päivittyvä_Kaavaprojektitiedot.xlsx
Install kubectl locally. Check version and run:
#> pwd
... kaavapino/web/deploy/rancher
#> ./deploy_staging_web.sh web:<version> run