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🖥️ dev
:desktop_computer: dev
Make developers life easier or harder
🌐 frontend
:globe_with_meridians: frontend
Something in browser
🟢 priority: low
:green_circle: priority: low
❔ priority: unknown
:grey_question: priority: unknown
🛠️ backend
:hammer_and_wrench: backend
Something on server
🐞 bug
:lady_beetle: bug
Something isn't working
🚫 wontfix
:no_entry_sign: wontfix
This will not be worked on
🟠 priority: medium
:orange_circle: priority: medium
🙏 help wanted
:pray: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
❓ question
:question: question
Further information is requested
♻️ refactoring
:recycle: refactoring
Rewrite something ugly, to make it less ugly
🔴 priority: high
:red_circle: priority: high
🔁 duplicate
:repeat: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✨ enhancement
:sparkles: enhancement
New feature or request
⚠️ discussion
:warning: discussion
Discuss how to fix or implement something
❌ invalid
:x: invalid
This doesn't seem right