C Driver for deltadore controller in smart router
Checkout this project into somewhere, let's say "${prj_home}"
Make sure you have 'make' program installed
run command to make it, such as
make clean all
You will get TestFDTI.out as the output
The usage is
sudo ./TestFDTI.out <device name>
for example
sudo ./TestFDTI.out /dev/tty/USB0
after you run into this program, will see a prompt
Input "help" will show you all commands:
[help] getTopology :
[help] Show currently recognized network and nodes
[help] registerNode :
[help] registerNode <network>
[help] Register new node into a network
[help] deleteNode :
[help] deleteNode <network> <node>
[help] Delete node from network
[help] controlLight :
[help] controlLight <network> <node> <action>
[help] action: on, off, ram-up, ram-down, stop, stand-out, alarm-pairing, toggle, preset-1, preset-2
[help] queryLightStatus :
[help] queryLightStatus <network> <node>
[help] Query light device status
[help] controlLightColor :
[help] controlLightColor <network> <node> <red> <green> <blue>
[help] red, green, blue: are integer between 0~255
[help] queryLightStatus :
[help] queryLightStatus <network> <node>
[help] Query light device status
[help] queryLightInfo :
[help] queryLightInfo <network> <node>
[help] Query light device info
[help] controlRollerShutter :
[help] controlRollerShutter <network> <node> <action>
[help] action: up, down, stop, up-slow, down-slow
[help] queryRollerShutterStatus :
[help] queryRollerShutterStatus <network> <node>
[help] Query roller shutter device status
[help] queryRollerShutterInfo :
[help] queryRollerShutterInfo <network> <node>
[help] Query roller shutter device information
[help] debugEnablePrintRead :
[help] debugEnablePrintRead <true|false>
[help] Enable the printing or not when read from serial port. This just used for debugging.
[help] exit:
[help] close device and exit program