Notepad++ UDL file to parse .adi files.
This a simple project to facilitate the reading of .adi (ADIF) files using Notepad++. This format is widely used by the community of Ham Radio operatos to exchange information of contacts.
This born as a personal tool to easily identify the field inside a text file using colors. By sure you can use your own schema of colours or to remark fiels using bold.
This is the colour schema used. Blue - Information about the contacted station. Red - Information about the station who generated the file. Purple - Information about contests and generating program. Orange - Information about the QSO
Fell free to change the format or to add new fields.
To use: On Notepad++ go to "Language", then "User Defined Language" and "Define your Language". Select the "Import" button and select the ADIF_UDL.xml file, close the window "User Defines Language". Then Select the ADIF format on the "Language" menu option. That it's all!
Note: The UDL formatter rely on spaces to intentify fields, as the ADIF format don't use the space as a separator turned out very hard to be more specific with the format scheme.
Claudio CX8FS
References: ADIF Development Group
ADIF 2.x Reference
UDL Reference
Notepad ++