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Codegen for scaffolding (kkrt-labs#114)
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ClementWalter authored Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 77a7080 commit a33d5c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 618 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cairo/pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ dependencies = [

compile = "src.utils.compile_cairo:compile_os"
transpile = "scripts.convert_py_to_cairo:main"
generate-tests = "scripts.generate_tests:main"

dev-dependencies = [
Expand Down
320 changes: 320 additions & 0 deletions cairo/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
Convert Python files to Cairo code
python ethereum/cancun/vm/
--dry-run: Print the output instead of writing to file
Note: This script is not fully compatible with all Python code. It's AI generated code.
Use this as a starting point and manually adjust the generated code.

import argparse
import ast
import os
import site
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

def get_site_packages_path() -> Path:
"""Get the site-packages directory of the current Python interpreter"""
return Path(site.getsitepackages()[0])

def resolve_ethereum_path(relative_path: str) -> Path:
Convert a path relative to ethereum to a full path in site-packages
Example: ethereum/cancun/vm/ -> /path/to/site-packages/ethereum/cancun/vm/
site_packages = get_site_packages_path()
return site_packages / relative_path

class CairoConverter(ast.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self, file_path: str):
self.file_path = file_path
self.imports: List[str] = []
self.constants: List[str] = []
self.structs: List[str] = []
self.functions: List[str] = []
self.current_module_parts = self._get_module_parts()
self.indentation = " "

def _get_module_parts(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get the module path parts relative to ethereum"""
parts = Path(self.file_path).parts
eth_index = parts.index("ethereum")
return list(parts[eth_index:-1]) # Exclude the filename
except ValueError:
print(f"Error: Could not find 'ethereum' in path: {self.file_path}")
return []

def convert(self, content: str) -> str:
"""Convert Python content to Cairo code"""
tree = ast.parse(content)

# Combine all parts in the correct order
result = []
if self.imports:
if self.constants:
if self.structs:
if self.functions:

return "\n".join(result)

def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef) -> None:
"""Handle function definitions"""
# Get return type annotation if it exists
return_type = handle_type_annotation(node.returns) if node.returns else None
returns = (
f" -> {return_type}" if (return_type and return_type != "None") else ""

# Get parameters
params = []
for arg in node.args.args:
if arg.annotation:
param_type = handle_type_annotation(arg.annotation)
if param_type:
params.append(f"{arg.arg}: {param_type}")

# Create function signature
func_def = f"func {}({', '.join(params)}){returns} {{"

# Add function body with proper indentation
body = []

def process_node(node: ast.AST, indent_level: int = 1) -> List[str]:
"""Recursively process AST nodes and return commented lines"""
lines = []
indent = self.indentation * indent_level

if isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
return lines # Skip docstrings

# Always comment out the current node
node_str = ast.unparse(node)
if "\n" in node_str:
# For multiline statements, comment each line
for line in node_str.split("\n"):
if line.strip(): # Skip empty lines
lines.append(f"{indent}// {line.strip()}")
lines.append(f"{indent}// {node_str}")

# Process children for compound statements
if isinstance(node, ast.If):
for item in node.body:
lines.extend(process_node(item, indent_level + 1))
if node.orelse:
lines.append(f"{indent}// else:")
for item in node.orelse:
lines.extend(process_node(item, indent_level + 1))
elif isinstance(node, ast.For):
for item in node.body:
lines.extend(process_node(item, indent_level + 1))
elif isinstance(node, ast.While):
for item in node.body:
lines.extend(process_node(item, indent_level + 1))
elif isinstance(node, ast.Try):
for item in node.body:
lines.extend(process_node(item, indent_level + 1))
for handler in node.handlers:
if handler.type:
lines.append(f"{indent}// except {ast.unparse(handler.type)}:")
lines.append(f"{indent}// except:")
for item in handler.body:
lines.extend(process_node(item, indent_level + 1))

return lines

# Process the function body
body.append(f"{self.indentation}// Implementation:")
for item in node.body:

# Close function
body.append("") # Add empty line after function

self.functions.extend([func_def] + body)

def visit_ImportFrom(self, node: ast.ImportFrom) -> None:
"""Handle from-imports"""
if node.level > 0: # Relative import
# Calculate the target module
if node.level == 1: # from .
module_parts = self.current_module_parts
else: # from ..
module_parts = self.current_module_parts[: -node.level + 1]

if node.module:
module_parts = module_parts + [node.module]

module_path = ".".join(module_parts)
module_path = node.module

# Only keep ethereum imports
if module_path and module_path.startswith("ethereum"):
import_names = ", ".join( for name in node.names)
self.imports.append(f"from {module_path} import {import_names}")

def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> None:
"""Handle constant assignments"""
for target in node.targets:
if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and
value = self._convert_constant_value(node.value)
if value is not None:
self.constants.append(f"const {} = {value};")

def _convert_constant_value(self, node: ast.expr) -> Optional[str]:
"""Convert constant values to Cairo syntax"""
if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
return str(node.n)
elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name):
if in ("Uint", "U64"):
if len(node.args) == 1:
return self._convert_constant_value(node.args[0])
elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
if isinstance(node.op, ast.Pow):
left = self._convert_constant_value(node.left)
right = self._convert_constant_value(node.right)
if left and right:
return f"{left}**{right}"
return None

def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> None:
"""Handle class definitions"""
fields = []
for item in node.body:
if isinstance(item, ast.AnnAssign) and isinstance(, ast.Name):
field_type = handle_type_annotation(item.annotation)
fields.append(f" {}: {field_type},")

struct_def = [f"struct {} {{", *fields, "}", ""]

def handle_type_annotation(node: ast.AST) -> str:
if isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
# Get the base type (e.g., List, Tuple, etc.)
base_type = handle_type_annotation(node.value)

# Handle the slice (arguments inside [])
if isinstance(node.slice, ast.Tuple) or isinstance(node.slice, ast.List):
# Handle multiple arguments like Tuple[int, str]
args = [handle_type_annotation(arg) for arg in node.slice.elts]
if any(
isinstance(e, ast.Constant) and e.value is Ellipsis
for e in node.slice.elts
) or isinstance(node.slice, ast.List):
# Handle cases like Tuple[int, ...]
return f"{base_type}{args[0]}"
return f"{base_type}[{', '.join(args)}]"
# Handle other cases like Optional[int]
return handle_type_annotation(node.slice)

elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
mapping = {
"bytes": "Bytes",
"int": "felt",
return mapping.get(,
elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
value = handle_type_annotation(node.value)
return f"{value}.{node.attr}"
elif isinstance(node, ast.Constant) and node.value is Ellipsis:
return "..."
elif isinstance(node, ast.Constant) and node.value is None:
return "None"
return ast.dump(node)

def create_cairo_file(relative_path: str, dry_run: bool = False):
Convert a Python file to a Cairo file with proper imports
relative_path : str
Path relative to ethereum module (e.g., "ethereum/cancun/vm/")
dry_run : bool
If True, print the output instead of writing to file
# Get the full path in site-packages
python_file = resolve_ethereum_path(relative_path)

if not python_file.exists():
print(f"Error: File not found: {python_file}")

# Read the Python file
with open(python_file, "r") as f:
content =

# Convert the content
converter = CairoConverter(str(python_file))
cairo_content = converter.convert(content)

# Create the output path in cairo workdir
eth_index = Path(relative_path).parts.index("ethereum")
relative_parts = Path(relative_path).parts[eth_index:]
output_path = Path(".") / "/".join(relative_parts)
output_path = output_path.with_suffix(".cairo")

if dry_run:
print(f"Would create file: {output_path}")
print("=" * 80)
print("=" * 80)
# Create directories if they don't exist
os.makedirs(output_path.parent, exist_ok=True)

# Write the Cairo file
with open(output_path, "w") as f:
print(f"Created Cairo file: {output_path}")
except ValueError:
print(f"Error: Path must contain 'ethereum': {relative_path}")

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert Python files to Cairo")
help="Path relative to ethereum module (e.g., 'ethereum/cancun/vm/')",
help="Print the output instead of writing to file",

args = parser.parse_args()
create_cairo_file(args.file, args.dry_run)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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