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Clean up one degree simulation + docstrings + bug w ECCORestoring (#…
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* Clean up one degree simulation

* Clean up internals and progress with one degree simulation

* fix docstrings

* (default: ...) -> Default: ...

* remove stray spaces

* more cleanup

* cleanup + fixes in docs

* remove $

* fix ECCOrestoring test

* fix comment

* fix bug with ECCORestoring

* uncomment debug

* fix bug

* cleanup

* fixes

* proper arch

* add units


Co-authored-by: Navid C. Constantinou <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
glwagner and navidcy authored Nov 10, 2024
1 parent 7ea9e55 commit 2e3ce57
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Showing 22 changed files with 486 additions and 589 deletions.
302 changes: 76 additions & 226 deletions experiments/one_degree_simulation/one_degree_simulation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,245 +1,95 @@
# # Near-global ocean simulation
# This Julia script sets up and runs a near-global ocean simulation using the Oceananigans.jl and ClimaOcean.jl packages.
# The simulation covers latitudes from 75°S to 75°N with a horizontal resolution of 1/4 degree and 40 vertical levels.
# The simulation runs for one year, and the results are visualized using the CairoMakie.jl package.
# ## Initial setup with package imports
# The script begins by importing the necessary Julia packages for visualization (CairoMakie),
# ocean modeling (Oceananigans, ClimaOcean), and handling dates and times (CFTime, Dates).
# These packages provide the foundational tools for setting up the simulation environment,
# including grid setup, physical processes modeling, and data visualization.

using Printf
using ClimaOcean
using ClimaOcean.ECCO: ECCO4Monthly
using OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Units
using ClimaOcean
using CairoMakie
using CFTime
using Dates
using Printf

arch = CPU()
z = exponential_z_faces(Nz=30, depth=6000)
Nx = 120
Ny = 60
Nz = length(z) - 1

grid = TripolarGrid(arch; z, size = (Nx, Ny, Nz), north_poles_latitude=55, first_pole_longitude=70)

@show grid

# ### Grid configuration
# We define a global grid with a horizontal resolution of 1/4 degree and 40 vertical levels.
# The grid is a `LatitudeLongitudeGrid` capped at 75°S to 75°N.
# We use an exponential vertical spacing to better resolve the upper ocean layers. The total depth of the domain is set to 6000 meters.
# Finally, we specify the architecture for the simulation, which in this case is a GPU.

arch = GPU()
z_faces = exponential_z_faces(Nz=40, depth=6000)
Nx = 360
Ny = 180
Nz = length(z_faces) - 1
grid = TripolarGrid(arch;
size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
halo = (7, 7, 7),
z = z_faces,
north_poles_latitude = 55,
first_pole_longitude = 70)

# ### Bathymetry and immersed boundary
# We retrieve the bathymetry from the ETOPO1 data, ensuring a minimum depth of 10 meters
# (depths shallower than this are considered land). The `interpolation_passes` parameter
# specifies the number of passes to interpolate the bathymetry data. A larger number
# results in a smoother bathymetry. We also remove all connected regions (such as inland
# lakes) from the bathymetry data by specifying `connected_regions_allowed = 3` (Mediterrean
# sea an North sea in addition to the ocean).
bottom_height = regrid_bathymetry(grid;
minimum_depth = 10,
interpolation_passes = 5,
major_basins = 3)
# For plotting
bottom_height[bottom_height .>= 0] .= NaN
fig = Figure(size = (1200, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, bottom_height, colormap = :deep, colorrange = (-6000, 0))
cb = Colorbar(fig[0, 1], hm, label = "Bottom height (m)", vertical = false)
save("bathymetry.png", fig)
nothing #hide
# ![](bathymetry.png)
bottom_height[isnan.(bottom_height)] .= 0
grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, GridFittedBottom(bottom_height))
# ### Ocean model configuration
# To configure the ocean simulation, we use the `ocean_simulation` function from ClimaOcean.jl. This function allows us to build
# an ocean simulation with default parameters and numerics. The defaults include:
# - CATKE turbulence closure for vertical mixing
# - WENO-based advection scheme for momentum in the vector invariant form
# - WENO-based advection scheme for tracers
# - `SplitExplicitFreeSurfaceSolver` with 75 substeps
# - TEOS-10 equation of state, see [`TEOS10EquationOfState`](
# - Quadratic bottom drag with a drag coefficient of 0.003
# The ocean model is then initialized with the ECCO2 temperature and salinity fields for January 1, 1993.
closure = (Oceananigans.TurbulenceClosures.IsopycnalSkewSymmetricDiffusivity(κ_skew = 1000.0, κ_symmetric = 1000.0),
momentum_advection = WENOVectorInvariant(vorticity_order = 5)
tracer_advection = WENO(; order = 5)
ocean = ocean_simulation(grid; momentum_advection, tracer_advection, closure)
model = ocean.model
date = DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1)
set!(model, T=ECCOMetadata(:temperature; date), S=ECCOMetadata(:salinity; date))
# ### Prescribed atmosphere and radiation
# The atmospheric data is prescribed using the JRA55 dataset, which is loaded
# into memory in 4 snapshots at a time. The JRA55 dataset provides atmospheric
# data such as temperature, humidity, and wind fields to calculate turbulent fluxes
# using bulk formulae, see [`CrossRealmFluxes`](@ref).
# The radiation model specifies an ocean albedo emissivity to compute the net radiative
# fluxes. The default ocean albedo is based on Payne (1982) and depends on cloud cover
# (calculated from the ratio of maximum possible incident solar radiation to actual
# incident solar radiation) and latitude. The ocean emissivity is set to 0.97.
backend = JRA55NetCDFBackend(41)
atmosphere = JRA55_prescribed_atmosphere(arch; backend)
radiation = Radiation(arch)
nothing #hide
# ### Sea ice model
# This simulation includes a simplified representation of ice cover where the
# air-sea fluxes are shut down whenever the sea surface temperature is below
# the freezing point. Only heating fluxes are allowed. This is not a full
# sea ice model, but it prevents the temperature from dropping excessively
# low by including atmosphere-ocean fluxes.

# Closure
gm = Oceananigans.TurbulenceClosures.IsopycnalSkewSymmetricDiffusivity(κ_skew=1000, κ_symmetric=1000)
catke = Oceananigans.TurbulenceClosures.CATKEVerticalDiffusivity()
closure = (gm, catke)

# Polar restoring
@inline function restoring_mask(λ, φ, z, t=0)
ϵN =- 75) / 5
ϵN = clamp(ϵN, zero(ϵN), one(ϵN))
ϵS = -+ 75) / 5
ϵS = clamp(ϵS, zero(ϵS), one(ϵS))
return ϵN + ϵS

restoring_rate = 1 / 1days

restoring_mask_field = CenterField(grid)
set!(restoring_mask_field, restoring_mask)

@inline sponge_layer(λ, φ, z, t, c, ω) = - restoring_mask(λ, φ, z, t) * ω * c
Fu = Forcing(sponge_layer, field_dependencies=:u, parameters=restoring_rate)
Fv = Forcing(sponge_layer, field_dependencies=:v, parameters=restoring_rate)

dates = DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1) : Month(1) : DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1994, 1, 1)
temperature = ECCOMetadata(:temperature, dates, ECCO4Monthly())
salinity = ECCOMetadata(:salinity, dates, ECCO4Monthly())

FT = ECCORestoring(arch, temperature; grid, mask=restoring_mask_field, rate=restoring_rate)
FS = ECCORestoring(arch, salinity; grid, mask=restoring_mask_field, rate=restoring_rate)
forcing = (T=FT, S=FS, u=Fu, v=Fv)

momentum_advection = VectorInvariant()
tracer_advection = Centered(order=2)
ocean = ocean_simulation(grid; momentum_advection, tracer_advection,
closure, forcing,
tracers = (:T, :S, :e))

T = ECCOMetadata(:temperature; dates=first(dates)),
S = ECCOMetadata(:salinity; dates=first(dates)))

radiation = Radiation(arch)
atmosphere = JRA55_prescribed_atmosphere(arch; backend=JRA55NetCDFBackend(41))
sea_ice = ClimaOcean.OceanSeaIceModels.MinimumTemperatureSeaIce()
nothing #hide
# ## The coupled simulation
# Finally, we define the coupled model, which includes the ocean, atmosphere,
# and radiation parameters. The model is constructed using the `OceanSeaIceModel`
# constructor.
# We then create a coupled simulation, starting with a time step of 10 seconds
# and running the simulation for 10 days.
# We will eventually increase the time step size and end time as the simulation
# progresses and initialization shocks dissipate.
# We also define a callback function to monitor the simulation's progress.
# This function prints the current time, iteration, time step,
# as well as the maximum velocities and tracers in the domain. The wall time
# is also printed to monitor the time taken for each iteration.
coupled_model = OceanSeaIceModel(ocean, sea_ice; atmosphere, radiation)
coupled_simulation = Simulation(coupled_model; Δt=10, stop_time = 10days)
wall_time = [time_ns()]
coupled_model = OceanSeaIceModel(ocean, sea_ice; atmosphere, radiation)

simulation = Simulation(coupled_model; Δt=1, stop_iteration=10)

wall_time = Ref(time_ns())

function progress(sim)
ocean = sim.model.ocean
u, v, w = ocean.model.velocities
T = ocean.model.tracers.T
Tmax = maximum(T)
Tmin = minimum(T)
umax = maximum(abs, u), maximum(abs, v), maximum(abs, w)
step_time = 1e-9 * (time_ns() - wall_time[1])
@info @sprintf("Time: %s, Iteration %d, Δt %s, max(vel): (%.2e, %.2e, %.2e), max(T): %.2f, min(T): %.2f, wtime: %s \n",
step_time = 1e-9 * (time_ns() - wall_time[])

@info @sprintf("Time: %s, n: %d, Δt: %s, max|u|: (%.2e, %.2e, %.2e) m s⁻¹, extrema(T): (%.2f, %.2f) ᵒC, wall time: %s \n",
prettytime(sim), iteration(sim), prettytime(sim.Δt),
umax..., Tmax, Tmin, prettytime(step_time))
wall_time[1] = time_ns()
coupled_simulation.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(progress, IterationInterval(1000))
nothing #hide
# ### Set up output writers
# We define output writers to save the simulation data at regular intervals.
# In this case, we save the surface fluxes and surface fields at a relatively high frequency (every day).
# The `indices` keyword argument allows us to save down a slice at the surface, which is located at `k = grid.Nz`
ocean.output_writers[:surface] = JLD2OutputWriter(model, merge(model.tracers, model.velocities);
schedule = TimeInterval(1days),
filename = "surface",
indices = (:, :, grid.Nz),
overwrite_existing = true,
array_type = Array{Float32})
nothing #hide
# ### Spinning up the simulation
# As an initial condition, we have interpolated ECCO tracer fields onto our custom grid.
# The bathymetry of the original ECCO data may differ from our grid, so the initialization of the velocity
# field might cause shocks if a large time step is used.
# Therefore, we spin up the simulation with a small time step to ensure that the interpolated initial
# conditions adapt to the model numerics and parameterization without causing instability. A 10-day
# integration with a maximum time step of 1.5 minutes should be sufficient to dissipate spurious
# initialization shocks.
# We use an adaptive time step that maintains the [CFL condition]( equal to 0.1.
# For this scope, we use the Oceananigans utility `conjure_time_step_wizard!` (see Oceanigans's documentation).
ocean.stop_time = 10days
conjure_time_step_wizard!(ocean; cfl = 0.1, max_Δt = 90, max_change = 1.1)
nothing #hide
# ### Running the simulation
# Now that the simulation has spun up, we can run it for the full 100 days.
# We increase the maximum time step size to 10 minutes and let the simulation run for 100 days.
# This time, we set the CFL in the time_step_wizard to be 0.25 as this is the maximum recommended CFL to be
# used in conjunction with Oceananigans' hydrostatic time-stepping algorithm ([two step Adams-Bashfort](
ocean.stop_time = 100days
coupled_simulation.stop_time = 100days
conjure_time_step_wizard!(ocean; cfl = 0.25, max_Δt = 10minutes, max_change = 1.1)
nothing #hide
# ## Visualizing the results
# The simulation has finished, let's visualize the results.
# In this section we pull up the saved data and create visualizations using the CairoMakie.jl package.
# In particular, we generate an animation of the evolution of surface fields:
# surface speed (s), surface temperature (T), and turbulent kinetic energy (e).
u = FieldTimeSeries("surface.jld2", "u"; backend = OnDisk())
v = FieldTimeSeries("surface.jld2", "v"; backend = OnDisk())
T = FieldTimeSeries("surface.jld2", "T"; backend = OnDisk())
e = FieldTimeSeries("surface.jld2", "e"; backend = OnDisk())
# Set land values to NaN using the hacky method of deducing where T = 0
times = u.times
Nt = length(u)
T1 = interior(T[1], :, :, 1)
land = T1 .== 0
for n = 1:Nt
ui = interior(u[n], :, :, 1)
vi = interior(v[n], :, :, 1)
Ti = interior(T[n], :, :, 1)
ei = interior(e[n], :, :, 1)
ui[land] .= NaN
vi[land] .= NaN
Ti[land] .= NaN
ei[land] .= NaN
iter = Observable(Nt)
Ti = @lift T[$iter]
ei = @lift e[$iter]
si = @lift begin
s = Field(sqrt(u[$iter]^2 + v[$iter]^2))
fig = Figure(size = (800, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, si, colorrange = (0, 0.5), colormap = :deep)
cb = Colorbar(fig[0, 1], hm, vertical = false, label = "Surface speed (ms⁻¹)")
CairoMakie.record(fig, "near_global_ocean_surface_s.mp4", 1:Nt, framerate = 8) do i
iter[] = i
nothing #hide
# ![](near_global_ocean_surface_s.mp4)
fig = Figure(size = (800, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, Ti, colorrange = (-1, 30), colormap = :magma)
cb = Colorbar(fig[0, 1], hm, vertical = false, label = "Surface Temperature (Cᵒ)")
CairoMakie.record(fig, "near_global_ocean_surface_T.mp4", 1:Nt, framerate = 8) do i
iter[] = i
nothing #hide
# ![](near_global_ocean_surface_T.mp4)
fig = Figure(size = (800, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, ei, colorrange = (0, 1e-3), colormap = :solar)
cb = Colorbar(fig[0, 1], hm, vertical = false, label = "Turbulent Kinetic Energy (m²s⁻²)")
CairoMakie.record(fig, "near_global_ocean_surface_e.mp4", 1:Nt, framerate = 8) do i
iter[] = i

wall_time[] = time_ns()

return nothing
nothing #hide
# ![](near_global_ocean_surface_e.mp4)

add_callback!(simulation, progress, IterationInterval(1))

18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Bathymetry.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ end
Regrid bathymetry associated with the NetCDF file at `path = joinpath(dir, filename)` to `target_grid`.
If `path` does not exist, then a download is attempted from `joinpath(url, filename)`.
- target_grid: grid to interpolate onto
Keyword Arguments:
Keyword Arguments
- `height_above_water`: limits the maximum height of above-water topography (where h > 0). If
`nothing` the original topography is retained
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,15 +336,16 @@ end
Retrieve the bathymetry data from a file or generate it using a grid and save it to a file.
# Arguments
- `grid`: The grid used to generate the bathymetry data.
- `filename`: The name of the file to read or save the bathymetry data.
- `kw...`: Additional keyword arguments.
# Returns
- `bottom_height`: The retrieved or generated bathymetry data.
If the specified file exists, the function reads the bathymetry data from the file.
Expand All @@ -366,4 +367,3 @@ retrieve_bathymetry(grid, ::Nothing; kw...) = regrid_bathymetry(grid; kw...)
retrieve_bathymetry(grid; kw...) = regrid_bathymetry(grid; kw...)

end # module


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