Curriculum for intermediate-level coursework in Clojure. You got the basics down, right? Now it's time to take the next step: learn the tooling, ecosystem, idioms, how to create and work on real-world projects in Clojure!
Idiomatic Clojure
- How not to write Blub in Clojure
- Thinking in Clojure
- Thinking in Data
- Combinators,
- Data Transformations
- Data > Functions > Macros - Why What does this mean?
The Clojure REPL
- Jacking in
- REPL-driven development, REPL-oriented workflows, e.g. Stuart Sierra's Component
- Are there others?
Clojure concurrency
- Refs
- Atoms
- Agents
Advanced Java Interop
- Working with Java classes / interfaces in Clojure
- Implementing interfaces / extending classes for Java consumption
- Is it a fully two-way street? Is one harder than the other?
- What do I need to know to get started?
- Capabilities
- Best practices
- Maven? Clojars? How do they fit in with lein? How much do I need to know about them?
- I'm about to write some code;
- Should I, or is there a library for it already written?
- How do I know?
- Where do I look?
- Incorporating libraries into my project
- I'm about to write some code;
Structuring your code
- Understanding namespaces
- How do I tell the difference between and know when to use:
- How do I tell the difference between and know when to use:
- Understanding namespaces
Web Development
Tour of the ecosystem. I've heard of so many different clojure libs/frameworks for web development . . . Why so much apparent library churn? Which of these do I need to know about today? Which ones did I not know about but should be on this list?
- Noire
- Ring
- Compojure
- Hoplon
- Pedestal
- Transit
To Clojurescript or not?
- Isomorphic Clojure?
- Targetting the JVM vs. JS, how to write shared code
- Om
- lein-figwheel
Interacting with, choosing a data store
- Datomic?