An Android App That Lets You Stream Anime On All Devices
This app has been specifically designed for Android TV’s and Fire Sticks but will work on all devices
- This Application is Free and 100% Ad Free ✅
- Main Ui page is Regularly updated with the Latest anime ✅
- Added a Watch list to allow you to save anime ✅
- Added a search page that allows you to search anime ✅
- Added a multiple servers that you can use to stream anime ✅
- Added a view all anime page that allows you to find new anime to watch ✅
- Added an episode page that updates every time you finish an episode and tells you which episodes you have watched ✅
- Added the ablitiy to use external players such as MxPlayer, VlcPlayer and any other player you have installed ✅
- You need at least Android 5.0
- Libraries
- Google Lean back
- Appcompact
- Glide
- Okhttp
- All the sites used in the application