Welcome to FairShare! This React.js-based web application helps you simplify the process of splitting expenses between groups of people. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway with friends or organizing a company event, FairShare takes the burden of expense tracking off your shoulders, so you can focus on enjoying your trip or event without worrying about who owes what.
- Expense Tracking: Keep a record of all shared expenses in one place. Add expenses with details like date, description, and amount.
- Participant Contributions: Add participants and their individual contributions towards expenses.
- Automatic Calculations: FairShare automatically calculates each participant's share based on their contributions, making it easy to settle debts.
- Group Management: Organize your expenses by creating groups for different events or occasions.
- Clear Visualization: View a summary of expenses and individual shares with intuitive charts and graphs.
Check out the live Fair Share Expense Splitter App here: Click here to check it out
To run FairShare locally on your machine, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/CodeAjay/Fair-Share-Expense-Splitter.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd fairshare
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
FairShare should now be running on http://localhost:3000.
FairShare is built using the following technologies:
- React.js
- React Router
- Bootstrap
We welcome contributions to improve FairShare. If you'd like to contribute, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them.
- Push the changes to your fork.
- Submit a pull request to the original repository.
Please ensure your pull request follows the project's coding standards and practices.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
I would like to express my gratitude to the open-source community for providing a wealth of knowledge and resources that have been instrumental in the development of FairShare.
Thank you to all potential future contributors who may join this project and help make it even better.