v 7.0.0
Major Release - CodeBeam.MudBlazor.Extensions 7
- Check the migration guide here.
New Docs
- Docs completely redesigned. Check out here. (Press Ctrl + f5 to refresh cache if you visit website before.)
- Added a button that navigates component's source code on GitHub.
- Each example has an anchor now. Added a button that copy example's link to visit an specific example after.
- Added ability to copy example code with a button.
- Each component's API now also can be visible at the end of component page.
- Several performance improvements.
New Component
- MudJsonTreeView: A treeview for display json data. (Thanks for jperson2000)
Features & Bug Fixes
- MudAnimate: Consistency improvements.
- MudBarcode: Fixed incorrect display on some barcode formats.
- MudchipField: Non-char keys (like enter) are allowed to trigger make chips.
- MudCodeInput: Several enhancements. Working on mobile now.
- MudDateWheelPicker: Several performance improvements.
- MudRangeSlider: Several improvements.
Known Issues & Roadmap
MudComboBox is continued to development. We know it's abilities are not fully completed. But it's working consistently for main usage. Let's work together for this component.
Planned to working on a redesign of inputs.
Planned to add more components in MudExtensions 7 process also.