Basic building block for other codes
Basic example - 2D
using BMesh, LMesh, Plots
# Create a background mesh
b2 = Bmesh_truss_2D(1.0,2,1.0,2)
# Create a vector with material definitions
mat = [Material(Ex=210E9,density=7850.0) ]
# Create a vector with geometry dedfinitions
geo = [Geometry(A=1E-4)]
# Essential boundary conditions (Supports)
ebc = [1 1 0.0 ; 1 2 0.0; 2 1 0.0; 2 2 0.0]
# Point loads
forces = [4 2 100.0 ; 4 1 -100.0]
# Create a 2D mesh
m2D = Mesh2D(b2,mat,geo,ebc,forces)
# Plots:plot is also overloaded and shows
# both essential and natural boundary conditions
Basic example - 2D with more than one material and geometry
using BMesh, LMesh, Plots
# Create a background mesh
b2 = Bmesh_truss_2D(1.0,2,1.0,2)
# Create a vector with two materials
mat = [Material(Ex=210E9,density=7850.0) ; Material(Ex=110E9,density=4150.0)]
# Create a vector with two geometries
geo = [Geometry(A=1E-4) ; Geometry(A=1E-5)]
# Essential boundary conditions (Supports)
ebc = [1 1 0.0 ; 1 2 0.0; 2 1 0.0; 2 2 0.0]
# Point loads
forces = [4 2 100.0 ; 4 1 -100.0]
# Map elements 1 to 6 to the second material
mat = ones(
mat[1:6] .= 2
# Map elements 7 to 12 to the second geometry
geo = ones(
geo[7:12] .= 2
# Create a 2D mesh
m2D = Mesh2D(b2,mat,geo,ebc,forces,mat_ele=mat, geo_ele=geo)
# Plots:plot is also overloaded and shows
# both essential and natural boundary conditions
3D mesh with optional arguments (Dictionary)
using BMesh, LMesh, Plots
# Create the backgound meshe
b3 = Bmesh_truss_3D(1.0,2,1.0,2,1.0,2)
# Create a vector with material definitions
mat = [Material(Ex=210E9,density=7850.0) ]
# Create a vector with geometry dedfinitions
geo = [Geometry(A=1E-4)]
# Essential boundary conditions (Supports)
ebc = [1 1 0.0 ; 1 2 0.0; 1 3 0.0;
2 1 0.0; 2 2 0.0; 2 3 0.0]
# Point loads
forces = [4 2 100.0 ; 4 1 -100.0]
#Create a 3D mesh
m3D = Mesh3D(b3,mat,geo,ebc,forces)
# It is possible to define general inputs
# as a dictionary {Symbol,Matrix{Float64}}
options = Dict{Symbol,Matrix{Float64}}()
options[:Stiffness] = [1 1 1E5 ; 10 1 1E3]
options[:Displacement] = [1 1 1E-3]
m3opt = Mesh3D(b3,mat,geo,apoios2,forcas; options=options)
# Plots:plot is also overloaded and shows
# both essential and natural boundary conditions