- We are a club chapter (i.e. Codepath@UCI) of a larger organization named "Codepath". The large organization uses material dedicated for Semester schools (i.e. 15 weeks worth of material), and since UCI is part of the quarter-system, we will be shifting material around in order to give you the best range of matieral. As such, please visit this repo first.
- We will using our UCI Github as a source of information that you can reference for information about weekly lectures. This is where we will have all of our info regarding lecture links, starter code, etc. Some labs, we will tell you to visit the general Codepath Student Portal for lab information, and others, we may tell you to do something different.
- For Assignments however, you will DEFINITELY be going on the Codepath Student Portal in order to complete, then turn in the work. If you visit the Github portal for Assignment information, we'll just redirect you to the Codepath Student Portal
Lectures are to be held on zoom at 5PM every Tuesday at this link, and assignemnts will always be due at 11:59PM on Monday night (the night before lectures). This schedule repeats on a weekly basis.
- Lecture sessions will be held at 5PM every Tuesday here
- We will also send out a link to a recording of the lecture after every live lecture.
Topics: Brief Introduction of Xcode Ecosystem
Topics: Segues, View Controllers, Passing Data, Navigation Controllers
Topics: Autolayout
Topics: Models and Enums
Topics: Parse
Topics: Mapkit
- Coming soon.
- Coming soon.