This project is an interactive and dynamic visualization tool that displays global Carbon emissions data over the years (from 1970 till 2015).
This repository contains the files and folders for a basic visualization tool built using Shiny on RStudio.
The three necessary Shiny app files are here as the .R files:
- Global : contains global variables used and the loads required packages
- ui : the user interfaace file, outlines the layout of the application as well as user input buttons/ interactions and pulls outputs
- server : the file that hosts code to process user input from the ui.R file, analyze data and generate output (visualizations) that are then sent over to ui.R for display.
The two folders in the repository are:
- "data" (which contains the .csv data source)
- "www" (which contains the images used in the app)
Thank you very much for viewing my code!