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Frank Hunleth edited this page Jan 18, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the CoderDojoDC ai2 wiki!

This page will contain helpful notes for using App Inventor 2 at CoderDojoDC.

Codestarter laptop installation

  1. Boot into Ubuntu and open up a terminal
  2. sudo apt-get install lib32z1
  3. Install the App Inventor .deb from App Inventor website (ignore warnings)
  4. Try it out. If the AI2 Companion can’t be updated, then the sdcard.img file is missing. Look at the console messages to figure out where it is supposed to be and run “dd of=sdcard.img seek=256K count=0”. Start the emulator, go to settings and format. Restart the emulator and update the AI2 Companion
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