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CoderDojoTO Twitch Chat-bot


This project requires you to use several different programs like node and git. It may be your first time using these, so to help get you started, you can use these resources:

Setting Up Your Environment

  • You may want to install a package manager to help you download the programs you need for this project. I like Homebrew ( Follow the setup instructions to download and install it from your terminal program (I like to use iTerm2:
  • Next, you will need to install Node. If you downloaded and installed brew, you can run brew install node. Check that node has been installed properly by running node --version
  • You may also want to install a code editor. It doesn't matter which one you like to use, any will work. I like Visual Studio Code (, but Atom or another will work fine.
  • Once you download this code using git clone or the download link. Install the Node packages you need by running npm install

Setting up your .env file

This project uses a package called dotenv in order to prevent accidentally sharing sensitive information. As a rule, you should never share your password or any "API" or "secret" keys you might use in a program. If someone got their hands on these, they could mess around with your Twitch account without your permission. To use these secrets safely, follow these steps:

  • First, you'll need to make a .env file. Note, this file starts with a .. That's important! If you are using a code editor like VS Code, you can create a new file from your file system sidebar. You can also do this with your terminal tool by navigating to this project folder and running the command touch .env
  • Our program uses three secret values (we call these "environment variables") TWITCH_USERNAME which is the username for the Twitch account you want the bot to use, TWITCH_CHANNEL_NAME which is the Twitch channel you want your bot to listen to and TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN which is a secret value kind of like a password that lets your bot access your Twitch account for a certain amount of time.
  • Inside your new .env file, you want to write these three environment variables like this:
  • After each = you want to put these values. For example, I use CHANNEL_NAME=coderdojoto because I want my bot to post in my coderdojoto Twitch stream.
  • The TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN is special, here you will want to visit this address: and log in with the account you want your bot to use. Copy this key and place it after TWITCH_OAUTH_TOKEN=
  • In order to use the !followers command we need to access the Twitch API, that means creating a Twitch developer account and registering an application. You'll need to complete "Step One" from this guide:
  • Once you've created your own Twitch application, copy the Client Id found in the "Console" menu and add it to your .env file using TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=

Twitch Developer Console Screen

Running the Application

Once you have set up your .env file, you can run the node index.js from your terminal to start your server up! You should see some output on your console like this:

[21:17] info: Connecting to on port 443..
[21:17] info: Sending authentication to server..
[21:17] info: Connected to server.
[21:17] info: Executing command: JOIN #coderdojoto
[21:17] info: Joined #coderdojoto


Learn to create your own Twitch Plays chat bot!






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