This is the source code for the Help Documentation present here
The Help documents are created using MkDocs.
So you need to install Mkdocs in your system
Mkdocs is a static site generator which generates documentation by converting Markdown
files into HTML
Python and Pip are required for mkdocs. So Install them. Refer MkDocs Intallation for More
pip install mkdocs
And to install Material Theme
pip install mkdocs-material
Please read before submitting your pull requests.
Before doing a Pull Request, please check if the feature you want to document is already present in the existing help content
In case of typos and grammatical errors, you can do a Pull Request right away.
Create an github issue saying that you are going to work on the particular part to avoid multiple people working on the same content
Clone the repo and run the command mkdocs serve
in the cloned directory.
The help will be up and running in
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If you have any queries on Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter, please post your questions on Cognizant ITS Google Group.
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Cognizant Intelligent Test Scripter is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0