yet another csv parser and transmogrifier Uses only things that are pre-installed on all machines I interact with regularly. In practice 90% awk.
view - (g)awk FPAT based viewer with column
flatten - (g)awk FPAT based flatten
tranpose - (g)awk FPAT based transpose
psuedosqlon1 - search col 1 for lines like $3
stats - a few quick stats
2sc - basic csv viewer in sc w/ psc
2tab - (g)awk FPAT with OFS as \t
2json - use python stdlib to convert to json
2html - (g)awk FPAT based html converter
2bat - just pipe into bat for the syntaxy goodness
$(basename $0) 2html somefile.csv
cat someotherfile.csv | $(basename $0) view
$(basename $0) psuedosql file yoursearchtermhere
cat somethirdfile.csv | $(basename
note - if your csv has newlines in the fields, womp womp