- Instructions for creating Community tasks
- Converting FRENDS Community Tasks to .NET Standard or multi-target (.NET Standard 2.0 and Framework)
One solution per one repo. One project for a task and one for tests. If needed, the project can have multiple tasks. Repos must be here: https://github.com/CommunityHiQ
Do not name class, task, and namespace the same!
Remember to do XML documentation and READ.md documentation.
The output of the task is one class, the input is one or two class(es) (eg. input and options). Remember to add "cancellationToken".
Good examples: https://github.com/CommunityHiQ/Frends.Community.Web/tree/FCOM-106_DownloadFileTask and https://github.com/CommunityHiQ/FRENDS.Community.Files/tree/Community.Files
If it is more valuable that the output class is JToken, just create it so. The same with the methods .ToXML() or .ToJSON().
Frends.Tasks.Attributes are deprecated, don't use them.
In the future in VSTS only local unit tests are driven so do not do tests that requires external resources. While coding it is good to have comprehensive tests, but in VSTS you can take those off with NuNit's Ignore("Reason") command. Do not put passwords to GitHub. If your code can not be tested locally in any way, the test can be disabled in VSTS and then you don't have to ignore all test separately in the code.
Repos can be created here https://github.com/CommunityHiQ. If you cannot create a repo, ask help from one of the reviewers or [email protected].
Input and output classes of the task are located to their own files.
Version numbers are in SemVer format, which means that three numbers are used and any additional numbers are ignored, so 1.0.1 is the same as However, the use of these numbers differs from SemVer. Generally speaking, development should start from version number 0.1.0 and the first version that is merged to master should be version 1.0.0. During development the developer can increase the third number as they wish. When the pull request is accepted and is merged to master, the reviewer should increment the second number by one and set the third number to zero - unless the change is a breaking one, which means that updating the frends task (likely) needs to be done manually. This can happen if the return properies or task parameters change, of if the task changed to a .NET Standard version. In this case the reviewer incrementes the first version number and sets the two other to zero.
Task name = Should be simple and describe what the task does, eg. DownloadFile or CreateZipArchive.
Namespace = Should be unique and describe the general topic of the tasks that are included in the namespace. Always use Frends.Community as prefix. For example: Frends.Community.DownloadWebFiles, Frends.Community.Zip. There should only be one namespace for tasks per NuGet package and another namespace for tests. The namespace for tests should be the same as the namespace for tasks, but with an added ".Tests", for example Frends.Community.Zip.Tests.
Class = Something convenient (this doesn't show in frends). If you cannot come up with another name write "task name" or last part of namespace + "tasks" or "operations. (eg. DownloadFilesTasks or ZipTasks)
Repo's name = Same as namespace (othervice there will be problems in CI).
Do not name class, task, and namespace the same! And use plurals in class and namespace nameswhen ever possible. More info: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ericlippert/2010/03/09/do-not-name-a-class-the-same-as-its-namespace-part-one/ (Google for parts 2-4).
Note: Frends finds tasks within a nuget package based on file "FrendsTaksMetadata.json". All tasks that frends should find need to be named in this file.
Return always a strongly typed class that includes a separate field for every value.
Generally speaking, each task parameter belongs to one the following groups, but both groups are not always needed:
Input: All input data and parameters that are closely related to it or the target and source systems, such as "connection string",
Options: More general configuration information for the task, such as timeout value or whether cookie handling should be automatic.
Groups must be in this order "Input", "Options". If there are any additional groups, for example if there are a lot of input parameters that are split into a couple of groups - these should be located between groups "Input" and "Options".
All parameters need metadata:
[DisplayName] – Name that is shown in the UI
[DefaultValue] – Default value to a variable, this can be also "null" or "String.Empty"
XML documentation notations:
summary – a description about parameters or task in a general level
returns – a description of an object returned by the task. It is good to list that this can be used in the next tasks x.x.
Done to the project .Tests. Forexample Frends.Community.Zip has it test under Frends.Community.Zip.Tests
For each task a minimum requirement is one happy testcase
Unit tests are done with Nunit framework so they work on the buildserver
If unit tests are using files, do a separate folder for them
Remember to add the possible files to VS project so those will be copied while the project is compiled
You can read environment variables in C# with:
You can set environment variables locally in powershell by
In GitHub Action environment variables are added via Secrets (under Settings).
It is important to use only capital letters in environment variable/Secret names to make them work everywhere.
Documentation to README.md file, GitHub shows it nicely Structure of the documentation:
General description of what the task does
Input - description
Options – description
#result – description
An example scenario of the use within the solution, an example of the configuration
If used with a specific system, also an instruction on how to use with that system
Do not use XML documentation classes unless it has a real extra value. XML documentation is for properties and methods. A user or developer cannot utilize "Input class" typed summary (if you don't like the error message "missing XML documentation" just add '#pragma warning disable 1591' under using sentences).
The review is mandatory.Ask from the reviewer separately when you've done pull request since the reviewer cannot know about the pull request (unless Review field is spesified). Take Skype, Flowdock to make sure you both know about the changes.
Task are added to nuget feed frends-community on myget.org. Best way to browse it is via gallery: https://www.myget.org/gallery/frends-community
GitHub Actions are used to build task on every push and then to make relese build when code is merged to master. When doing a new task it is better to use task template and then manually edit json files under .github/workflows to edit build or add passwords etc. to unit test. See section Unit tests to see how passwords etc. should be saved.
Mitigate errors in the code
Basic functionality is achieved
Knowledge transfer
Check solution from another perspective
Repetition → Quality at once
Code check list
Get the code from version control, pull request
Compile without errors and warnings
Version number correct
Unit tests have been done
Task has been documented
Parameters are documented
Structure of the code and modular seams correct
The task looks fine in FRENDS
Class/task naming is correlating what the code does eg. FRENDS.Common.Files.Operations.MoveFile()
Names of the parameters are representative
The names of the variables are descriptive: tmp <-> googleService
Comments in code are fine
Scopes of the variables and resources are as minimal as possible. Can you find any unneeded global variables?
NULL pointers and getting the resource are always checked
Error messages are unique
Normally the task is not handling exceptions (do not use try-catch structure), these are delivered to FRENDS so the errors can be shown in FRENDS UI
Inner errors can generally return an exception
Do not invent something that has been done earlier
Time out and cancellationToken are used: task can be canceled
Remove all credentials, passwords, certificates, etc. from code
The most general injections have been considered:
CGI parameters
External resources (SQL, AWS, Google, REST, files etc.)
Scope of the resources is as minimal as possible
Do not reserve a resource if not needed: loops, in the beginning, or end of the code
Free a resource after use (using / resurssi.Close() / resurssi.Displose()) / using {}
Error situations of the external resources are handled in code and closed possible resources: exceptions, status codes
Not like this: http task that did not return an exception if the server returned error code, not 200/202. The requester did not receive this code either just a blank document.
Way to go: http task returns an exception if returned something else than 200/202/xxx
FRENDS check list
Task versioned correctly
Parameters are named and documented
Secured parameters are marked [PasswordPropertyText(true)]
Default parameters make sense; eg. do not use your email
One task does one coherent entity (method) Not like CopyFilesFromSFTPAndTransferToGDrive()
Task returns data that can be used in the next task
Not like a string that includes status code and a message
Yes: Data structure that has a status code and a message separated
Converting FRENDS Community Tasks to .NET Standard or multi-target (.NET Standard 2.0 and Framework)
The new FRENDS Agent which is developed with .NET Core and can run on Linux machines that cannot execute Tasks developed for .NET Framework.
To ensure compatibility with older FRENDS installations, without .NET Standard support, use .NET 4.6.1 for maximum compatibility.
A bit less hassle with differences in using libraries.
To avoid multiple hiccups, you should also convert your project to use new standards and tools. I.e. you should use new (SDK-style) project format, PackageReferences 6. Update instead of .nuspec file, and use dotnet tools instead of nuget.exe and old MSBuild.
- Check if the used libraries support .NET Standard.
- Check if the Task uses Windows-specific functionality, such as impersonation.
- Update the project .csproj file to the new format. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a new project in Visual Studio targeting .NET Standard and re-add files from the old project. You can use task template to easily create a new project. Keep the project/assembly name the same as before so the Task signature stays the same and is handled as an update instead of a new Task
- Setup multi-target by changing the project's .csprojs, if you want to use multi-targeting.
- Re-add NuGet package references. Now they use new PackageReferences NuGet package information to the .csproj and delete the .nuspec file.
- If you use muli-targeting use preprocessor directives to add target specific functionality, e.g.
#if NET461 FrameworkOrWindowsSpecificClass.DoSomething(); #else throw new Exception("Only supported on .NET Framework"); #endif
- If necessary you may have target specific references using conditional ItemGroups, e.g.
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)'=='net471'"> <Reference Include="System.Net.Http" /> </ItemGroup>
- If using target specific functionality, you should also convert test projects to multi target. Note that unit test can not be run if they target .NET Standard, so they need to targe .NET Core or Framework.
Example conversions, using multitargeting:
Still only in Finnish
- Make new branch
- Fix the bug
- Make test to ensure that bug is fixed. Run all tests.
- Write description abou change in commit messages and to the ticket. And possible to the releasenotes and documentation. E.g.
FRENDS.File.Write: New Encoding options added to task.
- Pack the task and test it also in FRENDS.
- Make pull request. Ad agree with reviewer that he/she will do the review. Don't just leavethe PR open in github.
- Fix things that raises in review.
eli taskin rikkova muutos (käytännössä parametrit, yms muuttuu): Bugi korjauksen yhteydessä erota task, esim. FRENDS.File.Write omaan Visual Studio Projektiin ja Nugettipakettiin (mutta käytä samaa ratkaisua (solution, sln-tiedosto). Nimeä se fiksusti, esim FRENDS.File.Write.V2. Älä välitä vaikka vanhassa projektissa on muitakin taskeja, niitä ei vielä ole ehditty forkkaamaan. Muista kopioida myös yksikkötestit ja laittaa ne testaamaan uutta taskia. Uuden komponenttiversion Release notes luominen & tiedottaminen. Lyhyt lauseen pari kuvaus, sekä selitys parametreistä ja outputista dokumentaatioon Tarkista että taski täyttää katselmoinnissa katsottavat asiat. Noudata muuten ylempänä annettuja peer review, pull request, ilmoitus ja yksikkötestaus ohjeita.
Uudet Taskit lisätään samalla kaavalla Common version hallintaan, kuin nyt sovittu taskien purkaminen omiin Visual Studio projekteihin, noudattaen yllä kuvattuja periaatteita. Muista ottaa uusi branchi ja tehdä yksikkötestit ja dokumentaatio.
Päivitä apuprojekti Breaking Change ohjeiden mukaan ja sitä käyttävä taskit bugikorjausohjeiden mukaan.
Mikäli olet 100 % varma, että taustakirjastoa ei käytetä missään muussa taskissa, korjaa taski bugikorjausohjeiden mukaan. Muussa tapauksessa kysy apua review vastaavilta ja tai r&d:ltä. Ongelmia syntyy jos samassa prosessissa olevat taskit yrittävät käyttää eri versioita samasta dll:stä.
Taskit numeroidaan kolmella numerolla ja ensimmäinen masteriin viety versio on lähtökohtaisesti 1.0.0 ja devaamien aloitetaan numerosta 0.1.0. Devaaja päivittää viimeistä numera miten haluaa. Kun pull request hyväksytään ja mergetään masteriin hyväksyjä nostaa keskimmäistä numeroa yhdellä ja nollaa viimeisen - paitsi jos kyseessä on breaking change, eli taskia joudutaan (mahdollisesti) päivittämään käsin FRENDSissä (esim. taskin return tai parametrit muuttuvat, tai taski muutetaan .Net standardiksi). Pull requestin hyväksyjä inkrementoi ensimmäistä versionumeroa yhdellä ja nollaa muut.
Sellaisia päivityksiä jotka hävittävät paramaterit FRENDSin editorissa ei pitäisi tehdä, joten sille ei ole numerointia.
- Miksi pull requestin hyväksyjä nostaa keskimmäistä numeroa? V: Koska tällöin PR:ää voi päivittää vielä jälkikäteen.
- Mitä jos devaaja päivittääkin keskimmäitä numeroa? V: Ei se niin vakavaa ole.
- Miksi community taskeissa ei käytetä puhdasta Semantic Versioning https://semver.org/ käytäntöä? V: Käytännössä community taskeja devataan siten että niistä tehdään useita nugettipaketteja FRENDSiin jolloin viimeistä numeroa joutuu päivittämään mahdollisesti useita kertoja. Tämän vuoksi on kätevämpää päivittää keskimmäistä numeroa myös bugikorjauksien yhteydessä, sillä tällöin kukaan ei ihmettele miksi versiosta 1.3.4 siirrytään versioon 1.3.17, lisäksi päivittämällä keskimmäistä numeroa FRENDS jossa kehitystyö on tehty hyväksyy uudne paketin feedistä.
- Poista nuget 'Frends.Tasks.Attributes' projektista ja dependency .nuspec filestä,
- Lisää System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations referenssi
- Korvaa attribuutit koodista
[DefaultDisplayType(DisplayType.Text)] → [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "Text")]
[ConditionalDisplay(nameof(Method), Method.POST)] --> [UIHint(nameof(Method),"", Method.POST)]
[CustomDisplay(DisplayOption.Tab)] → [PropertyTab]