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Configuration File

Oli Wennell edited this page Feb 25, 2020 · 7 revisions

Your configuration file tells Fettle what source-code to mutate and which tests to run.
The file is in YAML format.


Option Description
solution (Required) The solution file that contains your C# code.
projectFilters (Required) The projects within the solution that contain C# code you want to be mutated. In other words: the implementation code and not the tests.
testAssemblies (Required) A list of the assemblies that contain your tests
sourceFileFilters Optionally use one or more filters to define which source files to mutate, using glob patterns. Each filter can include, or exclude, a path. By default, filters are considered as inclusions. If you want to exclude a path, put the filter in single quotes and prefix with a ! (see example below)
customTestRunnerCommand Optionally specify a custom command that Fettle will use to run tests.

Please note: all paths are relative to the configuration file's location.

An Example

solution: .\src\MyProject\MyProject.sln

    - MyProject.App
    - src\MyOtherProject\*.csproj

    - src\MyProject\Tests\bin\Release\Tests.dll
    - src\MyProject\MoreTests\bin\Release\MoreTests.dll

    - Implementation\*.cs
    - '!Implementation\AutoGenerated\*'
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