You can choose your own final project. It should be a computer science project that you will find engaging for the remainder of the semester. You may find slides 521 to 543 of the slide presentation helpful in choosing your project.
You could:
- Create your own game, animation, simulation or other program
- Create a website portfolio of your work using p5, Google Sites, Weebly or other free web hosting service
- Continue practicing your coding on CodingJS or other coding practice website
- Write programs to solve math problems at Project Euler
- Take a free online course on html and/or css at Codecademy
- Work through the TinkerCad lessons to learn how to make 3d objects
- Learn more p5 by working through the series of CodingTrain videos
- Learn the UNIX command line by playing in the mysterious land of Terminus (Look at slide 530 for a list of helpful UNIX commands)
- Thinking of taking AP Java next year? Get a head start by registering as an independent learner at Runestone Ineteractive for the free online CSAwesome AP CS A Java course
You are not limited to these suggestions. You will have time to explore the options before you make your choice. Be sure to think about how you will present your progress (e.g. will you submit computer code or submit evidence of your progress through a course?). Choose a project that will engage you, have fun and be creative!