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🥄 Concave Frontend

This is the worlds best kept secret frontend monorepo


Reading the following tool docs will help you navigate and develop in this repo


We have two main workspaces: apps and libs


  • cave: main concave app, bond, swap etc

bootstraping a new concave app? put it in /apps


  • @concave/core: has all core features to interact with web3 contracts, like currencyAmount and address
  • @concave/gemswap: has all AMM logic, like Trade, TradeType, Pairs, Fetcher, Contracts and more
  • @concave/marketplace: has Marketplace and Staking logic, like StakingPosition, Fecher, Contracts and more
  • @concave/ui: has all chakra-ui components + more, you should add shared more abstracted components here, let use case specifics for each app components folder
  • @concave/icon: has all chakra-ui icons + more

create more shared libs as you feel necessary in /libs

Setting up Development

Prerequisites: Node, Yarn and Git


git clone
cd concave-frontend
cp -i apps/cave/.env.example apps/cave/.env

# Install dependencies

# Start and watch
yarn dev:cave

running dev this way will build and watch dependencies, this means you can edit @concave/ui working on apps/cave and it will just work

Graphql Concave-api

Schema crafted with Hasura on frontend using Codegen + React-Query

Schema on Hasura

The graphql schema got different sources (see on concave-api)

  • POSTGRES ex: creating a table on postgres, Hasura will crafted for you the graphql
  • LAMBDA ex: create a lambda bind this one in Hasura Action to be a part of the schema

Import the Queries/Mutations into the frontend

  • Create your Query/Mutation on Hasura
  • Close concave-fontend (not running locally)
  • Copie them into the appropriate file inside apps/cave/graphql as a .gql file
  • Then enter in your terminal
cd app/cave
yarn gen

You don't need to "gen" at build time, but only when a new Query is in This will generate or update 2 files inside apps/cave/graphql/generated This is specific for React-Query (see config codegen.yml) with his own fetcher for Hasura You can now import generated Hooks, Query or Mutation from graphql/generated/graphql

Summary for graphql

  • Craft you query on hasura
  • Import the query inside apps/cave/graphql as a .gql file or inside an other one
  • Do yarn gen from app/cave

Example for a react-query hook on frontend

import {useGet_Stackingv1_Last100_EventsQuery} from 'graphql/generated/graphql'


const { status, data, error, isFetching } = useGet_Stackingv1_Last100_EventsQuery()
console.log('react query', status, data, error, isFetching)