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rubenvdlinde committed Dec 14, 2019
2 parents 5081af7 + 9a7bc7e commit 98b3e0d
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Showing 27 changed files with 660 additions and 234 deletions.
44 changes: 35 additions & 9 deletions .env
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# General settings for your component
# General settings for your component

Expand All @@ -18,16 +18,41 @@ APP_VERSION=V.0.1
# What is the enviroment type you want to use for local production? (choose between dec,stag,prod, acce or test)
# We use a build to tag images, this is swithced to the version on master and to env on other branches
# We use a build to tag images, this is swithced to the version on master and to env on other branches
# The description for this api
APP_DESCRIPTION='Naast deze JSON rest API is er ook een [graphql](/graphql) interface beschikbaar.'

# The urls on wich this api is available

# Orgization details

# The following details describe your organisations and are used for both certificate creation, nlx (if active) and


# Documentation settings

# The primary domain for this API @depracticed
# he domains on wich you want to provide this component, the first wil be used as primary (or common in cert-manger terms)
# If set to true wil provide the component on an {APP_NAME}.{APP_DOMAIN} basis for production enviroment, and {APP_NAME}.{APP_ENV}.{APP_DOMAIN} basis for other enviroments. Wil skipp the {APP_NAME}. on both if set to false
# The demo enviroment for this component @depracticed
# he Repository for this component

Expand All @@ -36,14 +61,15 @@ APP_REPRO=
# The repository for the primary (php) container of this project

# Notifcation settings


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,17 +99,17 @@ HEALTH_ENABLED=false

# NLX Setup,
# NLX Setup,

# Do you want to provide an nlx outway? (option for your component to reach nlx services)

# Do you want to provice an nlx inway (option for nlx services to reach your api)

# NLX Certification Details
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .github/deploy.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# View examples and documentation at
environment: production
production_environment: true
32 changes: 24 additions & 8 deletions .github/workflows/dockerimage.yml
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Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ jobs:
run: docker-compose logs
- name: Security Checks
run: docker-compose exec -T php composer req sensiolabs/security-checker
- name: Database Update
run: docker-compose exec -T php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- name: Database Check
run: docker-compose exec -T php bin/console doctrine:schema:validate
- name: Chores
run: docker-compose down
- name: Login to DockerHub Registry
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,22 +99,34 @@ jobs:
if: (contains( github.ref, 'master' ) || contains( github.ref, 'staging' ) || contains( github.ref, 'development' )) && steps.kubeconfig.outputs.success == 'true'
run: helm upgrade $APP_NAME-$APP_ENV ./api/helm --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=$APP_ENV --set settings.env=$APP_ENV,settings.debug=1
- name: Install through helm
if: failure()
if: failure() && (contains( github.ref, 'master' ) || contains( github.ref, 'staging' ) || contains( github.ref, 'development' )) && steps.kubeconfig.outputs.success == 'true'
run: helm install --name $APP_NAME-$APP_ENV ./api/helm --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=$APP_ENV --set settings.env=$APP_ENV,settings.debug=1
- name: Rollout new containers
if: (contains( github.ref, 'master' ) || contains( github.ref, 'staging' ) || contains( github.ref, 'development' )) && steps.kubeconfig.outputs.success == 'true' && steps.helm-install.success == 'true'
if: (contains( github.ref, 'master' ) || contains( github.ref, 'staging' ) || contains( github.ref, 'development' )) && steps.kubeconfig.outputs.success == 'true' && success()
run: |
kubectl rollout restart deployment/$APP_NAME-php --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=$APP_ENV
kubectl rollout restart deployment/$APP_NAME-nginx --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=$APP_ENV
kubectl rollout restart deployment/$APP_NAME-varnish --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=$APP_ENV
- name: Export release code
if: (success() || failure())
id: releasecode
run: |
export RELEASE=$APP_BUILD-$(git rev-parse --short $GITHUB_SHA)
echo "##[set-output name=releasename]$RELEASE"
- name: Print release name
if: (success() || failure())
run: echo $RELEASENAME
RELEASENAME: ${{ steps.releasecode.outputs.releasename }}
- name: Create Release
if: contains( github.ref, 'master' )
if: contains( github.ref, 'master' ) && steps.kubeconfig.outputs.success == 'true' && ( success() || failure() )
id: create_release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
continue-on-error: true
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # This token is provided by Actions, you do not need to create your own token
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # This token is provided by Actions, you do not need to create your own token
tag_name: $APP_BUILD
release_name: $APP_BUILD
draft: false
prerelease: false
tag_name: ${{ steps.releasecode.outputs.releasename }}
release_name: ${{ steps.releasecode.outputs.releasename }}
draft: false
prerelease: false
57 changes: 53 additions & 4 deletions .idea/workspace.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

69 changes: 54 additions & 15 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ This document dives a little bit deeper into installing your component on a kube
## Setting up helm

## Setting up tiller
Create the tiller service account:

Expand All @@ -18,70 +19,108 @@ $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --service

Now we can run helm init, which installs Tiller on our cluster, along with some local housekeeping tasks such as downloading the stable repo details:
$ helm init --service-account tiller --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ helm init --service-account tiller --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

To verify that Tiller is running, list the pods in the kube-system namespace:
$ kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

The Tiller pod name begins with the prefix tiller-deploy-.

Now that we've installed both Helm components, we're ready to use helm to install our first application.

## Setting up ingress
We need at least one nginx controller per kubernetes kluster, doh optionally we could set on up on a per namebase basis

$ helm install stable/nginx-ingress --name loadbalancer --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

We can check that out with

$ kubectl describe ingress pc-dev-ingress -n=kube-system --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

## Setting up Kubernetes Dashboard
After we installed helm and tiller we can easily use both to install kubernetes dashboard

$ helm install stable/kubernetes-dashboard --name dashboard --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace="kube-system"
$ helm install stable/kubernetes-dashboard --name dashboard --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace="kube-system"

But before we can login to tiller we need a token, we can get one of those trough the secrets. Get yourself a secret list by running the following command
$ kubectl -n kube-system get secret --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ kubectl -n kube-system get secret --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

Because we just bound tiller to our admin account and use tiller (trough helm) to manage our code deployment it makes sense to use the tiller token, lets look at the tiller secret (it should look something like "tiller-token-XXXXX" and ask for the corresponding token.

$ kubectl -n kube-system describe secrets tiller-token-xxxxx --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ kubectl -n kube-system describe secrets tiller-token-xxxxx --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

This should return the token, copy it to somewhere save (just the token not the other returned information) and start up a dashboard connection

$kubectl proxy --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ kubectl proxy --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

This should proxy our dashboard to helm making it available trough our favorite browser and a simple link

## Cert Manager

$ kubectl apply --validate=false -f --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"
$ kubectl create namespace cert-manager --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

The we need tp deploy the cert manager to our cluster

$ helm repo add jetstack
$ helm install --name cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v0.12.0 \ jetstack/cert-manager --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

lets check if everything is working

$ kubectl get pods --namespace cert-manager --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"
$ kubectl describe certificate -n dev --kubeconfig="kubeconfig.yaml"

## Deploying trough helm
First we always need to update our dependencies
$ helm dependency update ./api/helm
If you want to create a new instance
$ helm install --name pc-dev ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=dev --set settings.env=dev,settings.debug=1,settings.loadbalancerEnabled=true
$ helm install --name pc-stag ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=stag --set settings.env=stag,settings.debug=0,settings.loadbalancerEnabled=true
$ helm install --name pc-prod ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=prod --set settings.env=prod,settings.debug=0,settings.loadbalancerEnabled=true
$ helm install --name pc-dev ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=dev --set settings.env=dev,settings.debug=1
$ helm install --name pc-stag ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=stag --set settings.env=stag,settings.debug=0
$ helm install --name pc-prod ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=prod --set settings.env=prod,settings.debug=0

Or update if you want to update an existing one
$ helm upgrade pc-dev ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=dev --set settings.env=dev,settings.debug=1,settings.loadbalancerEnabled=true
$ helm upgrade pc-stag ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=stag --set settings.env=stag,settings.debug=0,settings.loadbalancerEnabled=true
$ helm upgrade pc-prod ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=prod --set settings.env=prod,settings.debug=0,settings.loadbalancerEnabled=true
$ helm upgrade pc-dev ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=dev --set settings.env=dev,settings.debug=1
$ helm upgrade pc-stag ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=stag --set settings.env=stag,settings.debug=0
$ helm upgrade pc-prod ./api/helm --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml" --namespace=prod --set settings.env=prod,settings.debug=0

Or del if you want to delete an existing one
$ helm del pc-dev --purge --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml --namespace=dev"
$ helm del pc-stag --purge --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml --namespace=stag"
$ helm del pp-prod --purge --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml --namespace=prod"
$ helm del pc-dev --purge --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ helm del pc-stag --purge --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"
$ helm del pc-prod --purge --kubeconfig="api/helm/kubeconfig.yaml"

Note that you can replace common ground with the namespace that you want to use (normally the name of your component).
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