A framework for inventory and item management such that you'd find in MMO games.
CC-Inventory-System is a framework for inventory and item management such that you'd find in MMO games. It contains a plethora of awesome features to help jump start your RPG-style game. It also removes the hassle of creating an inventory system from scratch.
Make sure to read the ItemSystems_README file for setup and configuration instructions. You can find the README inside of the ItemSystems template.
Thanks to:
- @structfoo - Creating the original inventory system.
- @Coderz - Adaptation and Modification
- @blaking707 - Testing and Bug fixing.
- @Morticai - Testing and Bug fixing.
- @Waffle - Stash search progress circle.
- @KonzZwodrei - UI Indicators
- @standardcombo - Review and Loot Factory adapter.
- @Buckmonster - Lead of Team META, review and input.
- @Mucusinator - Armor Sets.
- @Aggripina - UI thumbnail design.
- @Mirc - Testing and Reporting of bugs.
- @RandomPhantom - Backpack bug fix.