A component that allows creators to place high-quality screenshots as a minimap backdrop, through the use of portals.
This package is a work in progress.
META Portal Minimap is a component that allows creators to place high-quality screenshots as a minimap backdrop, through the use of portals.
- Navigate to the "3D" group in the hierarchy under "Minimap Image". Within this group you will find a single Plane object and some World Text objects. NOTE: The world text objects can be deleted if you don't want to have any labels on your minimap.
- Select the Plane. Set it's position and scale so that it covers the entire area of what your minimap image will be.
- Find the "MinimapSetup" group. Make sure that the "IsDevMode" property is checked.
- Click the "Play" button and hit the zero key to go into capture mode. Also, make sure to hit F11 to go into fullscreen.
- Using the 7 key (zoom in) and 8 key (zoom out), adjust the camera zoom until the panel is fills the screen as much as possible. NOTE: It's okay if there is empty space on the top/bottom or left/right of the panel.
- Hit the 5 key to hide the panel. Take a screen shot by hitting ALT + Print Screen.
- Open MS Paint and paste your screen shot image. Save the image.
- Save your current project and return to the Create tab in Core.
- Create a blank project.
- Once the editor opens for the new project, click on File->Publish Game.
- Fill out the required information. Under "Screenshots" add your saved minimap image.
- Publish the project as "Unlisted".
- Once the "Success" window appears, click on the "Copy Link" button. Paste this game link somewhere so you don't lose it!
- You should have a link such as: https://www.coregames.com/games/1b3aa6/meta-portal-image-examples
- You will only need the Game ID portion which is: 1b3aa6/meta-portal-image-examples
- Return to your original project.
- Locate the "Game Portal" which is a child of "MapImageObjectGroup".
- With the game portal selected, scroll down to the "Game ID" property and paste your game ID.
- Just below that property you will see "Screenshot Index". Make sure this is set to 1.
- Click the play button. You should see your minimap image overlayed by a UI rectangle.
- If the portal image is not scaled correctly, then adjust the "ScaleMultiplier" property on "MinimapSetup".
- If the portal image position is not aligned with the UI rectangle then adjust the position of the "Game Portal".
- Both of these adjustments can be made at run time when in Local Player Preview.
- However, any changes made at run time are not saved so you need to either copy/paste or take note of the changes you make so you can do them again when not in play mode.
Final Adjustments
- You can now uncheck "IsDevMode" on the "MinimapSetup" group.
- Navigate to the "Minimap" script and uncheck the "EnableShapes" property. You can also disable "EnableLabels" if you are not using labels for your minimap.
- If you want to have the minimap in a different corner of the screen you can change the Dock property of the Minimap Panel and then change it's position accordingly.