This is a Bukkit plugin that adds potion effects to arrows.
The official bukkit page for the plugin can be found here.
From the bukkit page:
Spell Arrows allows players to infuse arrows with magic potions. The arrows then give the potion's effect to whomever is shot. The damage of normal arrows can be enabled or disabled in the config.
These arrows are created by combining an arrow with the desired potion at a crafting table.
There exists arrow types for every potion, including those with positive effects. This allows players to heal other players, for example.
To quickly switch arrows, the player can simply Left-Click with a bow equiped. This switches arrow stacks, to allow fast selection of the desired stack.
/sortarrows - Toggles whether to sort arrows on Left-Click with a bow equiped.
/spellarrows reload - Reloads settings from the config.
SpellArrows.sortarrows - This permission is needed to use the /sortarrows command. Players are given this permission by default.
SpellArrows.spellarrows - This permission is needed to use the /spellarrows reload command. OPs are given this permission by default.
Plugin settings are stored in config.yml.
This file is automatically created if not in the plugin folder. It does not need to be created manually.
The structure is as follows:
arrowDamage: <true/false>
<Player Name>: <true/false>
Any ideas or suggestions for this plugin? I would love to hear from you! Also, feel free to use this plugins source-code for your own projects, as it's licensed under the GPLv3 and available on Github.