A boids library for BabylonJS. Used in the Laje de Santos Virtual Dive project. Check:
First create your BoidsManager
object and associate it with your meshes.
function loadCubes (total, scene) {
// instantiate our boids manager. Note it doesn't handle the meshes themselves, only the total meshes.
const boidsManager = new BoidsManager(total, new BABYLON.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 10.0, 10.0);
// so let's now create our meshes
const models = [];
const brickMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial('brickMaterial', scene);
brickMaterial.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture('does_not_exist');
for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
// create a box
const box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox(
'box' + i,
width: 0.3, height: 0.5, depth: 1.0
// associate box to boid data.
box.boid = boidsManager.boids[i];
box.material = brickMaterial;
// if you want to get a debug with bounding spheres and velocity vectors
// so we return 3 things here: the models, the boidsManager, and an update callback
// for the render loop.
return {
update: ((_boids, _models) => {
return (deltaTime) => {
// update the boid simulation first
// now apply the calculated positions/orientations to the meshes
_models.forEach((m) => {
})(boidsManager, models)
Remember to call the update function
// create a boid block with 20 boids
const myBoids = loadCubes(20, scene);
// Register a render loop to repeatedly render the scene
engine.runRenderLoop(() => {
const timeDiff = engine.getDeltaTime() / 1000.0;
// update boids
Constructor. See parameters for class parameters that can be accessed and changed directly.
int total
: Total number of boids in simulation
BABYLON.vector3 center
: The center point of the boid volume.
float initialRadius
: The radius of the initial boid volume. Boids are distributed randomly within this volume from center
when created.
float boundRadiusScale
: The bounding volume for the total simulation. Boids are restricted to this volume from center
BABYLON.vector3 initialVelocity
: The inicial velocity for the boids. A small randomness factor is added to each boid.
Updates the boids. Call on every render loop.
Number deltaTime
The time since last frame in seconds.
Adds a force callback function. This enables you to change the simulation with your own forces. Called fr
callback c
A valid JS function, called on update()
for each boid. Receives as parameters: (BoidsManager, Boid)
Turns on debug visual helpers.
BABYLON.scene scene
The scene object.
Turns off debug visual helpers.
BABYLON.scene scene
The scene object.
Turns on a panel to visually change the boid simulation parameters.
BABYLON.scene scene
The scene object.
All accessed on the BoidsManager instance.
Cohesion factor.
Separation factor.
Alignment factor.
The maximum allowed speed for a boid, in units per second.
The minimum bounds for the valid boid volume.
The maximum bounds for the valid boid volume.