Jquery datetime picker plugin based on Jquery UI Datepicker
Demo: https://rawgit.com/Corollarium/jquery.datetimeduck/master/demo/index.html
This plugin uses a "duck punching" technique, extending JQuery's UI Datepicker and adding hour and minute selectors to it. Short! Simple! Just like you expected from JQuery UI!
Original code written by Andy Edinborough: http://edinborough.org/Duck-Punching-jQuery-UI-Datepicker-into-a-DateTimepicker
Basic usage:
<label>Datetime: <input type="text" id="datetime" value="2012-01-31 10:20:00" />/label>
It accepts all options from http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/ and a few others:
- clockType: 12 or 24. Default: 12
- showTime: true or false. Controls whether to show time.
- altFormatSeparator: used between date and time. Defaults to ' ' (useful for ISO8601)
- timeLabel: the label used for the time inputs
<label>Datetime: <input type="text" id="datetime" value="2012-01-31 10:20:00" />/label>
$('#datetime').datetimepicker({clockType: 24});