On Junly 31, 2018, Cowland Game Studios released a game by the title of Subway Chaos:Manhattan on Scratch. At the time, it was just a side project and only took a few days of summer to make. We had big amitions for this project, but due to the lack of proper graphics and well thoughtout mechanics, not many people played it, and even less people enjoyed it.
As a result of its lack of publicity, future updates were scrapped. At the time, we had plans to make a more robust version, called Airport Chaos where the location would be set in Paris. It would use 3d rendering and ACTUAL TIME CONSUMING GRAPHICAL DRAWINGS. But just a slight problem... We have never been to Paris or know how to draw for sh*t. MrMoooo also wanted to incorperate the Chaos™(not actually trademarked) franchise into his games to spread publicity, as Airport Chaos would be very time consuming and we hoped one day the fruits of our labor will pay back.
but it never did
You see... The slight problem listed above burnt a hole in our plans. There were several tests of the game in early Alpha development phases, but it never even made it to beta. In fact, this is the closest thing we've gotten to a release.
So we scrapped other sprites intended to be used for airplane sim and made this (which was a hit in our books)
OK OK, I'll stop with the backstory, ya'll may ask. Why did you guys redo it then if it "wasn't worth your time".
Good question...
After Subway Chaos:Manhattan we discovered it was actually really fun for MOBILE. We were able to drag the "trains" (more like blocks) with ease on the iPad and iPhone. Apart from that, we realized that the main source of frustration was the graphics. It was before Scratch adopted an SVG editor (oh no... the dark ages), and every pixel was painstakingly drawn on or everything was made with cubes and spheres. We chose the latter, as we had no time to design. (which led to no traffic). We also learned a valueable lesson from Crash: The desert survival game. We had a storyline thought out, graphics drawn, and about two weeks was spent to make it, which is 7x longer than 2 days... No suprise, it also recieved more than 7x the attention. So now, we are willing to remaster a game in which we see potential and are willing to work hard to achieve results.
Read the rest and more on itch.io project page
Download the game here:
However to download the source code you'd need:
- Unreal Engine 4.22.3 downloaded
- Visual Studio/Xcode downloaded
- Windows 10 Home/Pro
- MacOs Mojave 10.14.6