Currently we two apps that are connected to each other. The visitors interface and of course the API.
The MVP product will include a way for a visitor to:
- Users can register and login
- User can create a help request
- User can claim help requests
- User can see his profile
- Users can use Google maps with different functionalities.
| Jaime | Robin | Carlos | Pierre | Janko | Blake |
- Rails v6.0.2
- Ruby v2.5.1
- RSpec
- Heroku
- Rails
- RSpec
- Postgree
- pry-rails
- pry-byebug
- Coveralls
- Factory Bot
- Shoulda-Matchers
- Rack-cors
- Active_model_serializers
- Devise_token_auth
Due to the use of encrypted credentials this Repo can not be cloned. However if you own a google maps api key do the following:
- Clone this repository and set up the Client.
- Run the following commands:
- bundle install
- rails s
- and remember to start the Frontend application! (yarn start)
- Adding Swish.
- Using BankID for bankID.
- Cooperation with ICA's and other grocery stores API's.
- This fantastic team!.
- Material provided by Craft Academy
- Oliver Ochman for going on bug-quests with us.
- Thomas Ochman for helping us when it was necessary.
- Faraz Naeem for the good spirit during the bootcamp.