A simple JIRA REST client for PHP.
$api = new JiraClient\JiraClient('http://jira.hostname', 'login', 'password');
try {
// Get an existing issue
$issue = $api->issue()->get('JRA-123');
// Print the issue id.
echo $issue->getId();
// Print the issue key.
echo $issue->getKey();
// Create new issue.
$newIssue = $api->issue()
->create('JIRA', 'Suggestion')
->field(Field::SUMMARY, 'My Suggestion')
->field(Field::DESCRIPTION, 'Some description')
// Print the issue id.
echo $newIssue->getId();
$newIssue = $newIssue->update()
->field(Field::DESCRIPTION, 'Some new description')
->customField(10012, 'Value for custom field')
->fieldAdd(Field::LABELS, 'new-label')
// Print description of updated issue.
echo $newIssue->getDescription();
// Two ways for adding new comment.
$newIssue->addComment("Some comment content");
$api->issue()->addComment($newIssue->getKey(), "Another comment content");
// Add new comment limited to the developer role.
$newIssue->addComment("Only for developers", "role", "Developers");
// Get reporter's name.
$reporterName = $newIssue->getReporter()->getName();
// Get an array of labels.
$labels = $newIssue->getLabels();
// Get an array of transitions for issue
$transitions = $api->issue()->getTransitions($newIssue->getKey());
// Executing transitions to change issue status
} catch (\JiraClient\Exception\JiraException $e) {
// exception processing
composer require "rastor/jira-client:~0.3"