Simple Vip Menu
This is a Simple Menu Based plugin for adding features to VIP players.
Enable/Disable +HP in every round
Enable/Disable +Armor and Helmet in every round
Set Own ClanTag
Set Own NameTag
Set NameColor Color
Set TagColor Color
Set ChatColor Color
Rainbow (Fading) player Model
MyJailbreak support for Events
100% Translatability (Default: English and Hungarian)
ConVars and Commands
sm_entvip_enabled - Enable the vip system?
sm_entvip_health - Allow vip players to use hp bonus?
sm_entvip_armor - Allow vip players to use full armor bonus?
sm_entvip_plushp - How much plus hp player gets?
sm_entvip_plusarmor - How much plus armor player gets?
sm_entvip_plushelmet - Give Helmet with Armor?
sm_entvip_rainbowmodel - Allow vip players to use rainbow model?
sm_entvip_deadrestrict - Restrict dead players to communicate with alive players? (JailBreak)
Upload the files
Load the plugin or change the map
Configure the plugin over entvip.cfg (csgo/cfg/sourcemod/entvip.cfg)
Requests or Known bugs
Nothing yet