Let's start with the basic steps from the Rust tutorial to set up the requisites concerning Rust:
- First let's install all dependencies:
sudo apt-get install curl
- Install rustup (choose default PATH if you have no idea what you are doing) -> Just press ENTER.
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
- Check if Rust has been installed correctly:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustc --version
Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile: By adding this your OS will know where to find the rust environment.
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
- The hello-world can be found in the folder hello_world. The following commands will direct you to the folder hello_world, compile and execute the programm in the main.rs
cd rust_tutorial/1.2hello_world
rustc main.rs
You will see the text Hello, World!
on your Terminal
- Check if Cargo is properly installed:
cargo --version
DISCLAIMER: From here on forward I just followed the Rust-Tutorial linked above to get a feeling for handling and using Rust - I recommend you do the same!!!
For now let's continue with the base setup of Substrate.
Until I come up with a better way of setting that stuff up, let's just install substrate localy.
curl getsubstrate.io -sSf | bash