Take a look at coreshop.lineofcode.at
(Still under Development - Pimcore Login will follow)
You can setup your own example: https://github.com/dpfaffenbauer/pimcore-coreshop-demo
- Productmanagement
- Variants of Products
- Countries with Currencies
- Currency conversion
- Country Taxes (not yet implemented)
- Categorymanagement
- Abstract Payment
- Cart Rules for Vouchers/Discounts
- Different Delivery Providers
Coreshop was designed to make use of other Pimcore-Plugins.
Every Payment Provider or Delivery Providier is a Pimcore-Plugin that integrates with Coreshop.
CoreShop uses Hooks to call Pimcore-Plugins from template files.
Hooks are currently not consistently implemented.
For example on the product-detail template file (in Demo Shop):
<?=\CoreShop\Plugin::hook("product-detail-bottom", array("product" => $this->product))?>
A Payment Provider is implemented using a Pimcore-Plugin.
To implement a new Payment Plugin you need to extend the class CoreShop\Plugin\Payment.
For example take a look at the pimcore-payunity Plugin: https://github.com/dpfaffenbauer/pimcore-payunity
A Delivery Provider is implemented using a Pimcore-Plugin.
To implement a new Delivery Prodiver you need to extend the class CoreShop\Plugin\Delivery.
For example take a look the the coreshop-demo Plugin "CoreShopDeliveryPost";
CoreShop can use GeoIP to locate visitors countries using IP-Addresses.
To enable GeoIP download GeoIP.dat into the directory