This tool converts a valid value in a sequence to a hash and contains a path to a valid value in the key field
- Convert valid values in the sequence to hashes
- Paths showing valid values in the key field
- Valid values not (), [], {}, None, ''
- Does not require any third party libraries
pip install sequence2hash
Define the sequence variable:
parameters = {
'queryKey': '',
'constraints': {
'ids': [],
'phids': (),
'name': 'Operating platform'
'members': ('Bunoob', 1944, 'Google'),
'watchers': [],
'status': '',
'isMilestone': True,
'icons': [],
'colors': ['blue', '', 'red', ''],
'parents': [],
'ancestors': [],
'attachments': {
'subscribers': None
'order': 'newest',
'before': '',
'after': '',
'limit': {}
import sequence2hash
for x in sequence2hash.flatten(parameters):
{'key': ['constraints', 'name'], 'value': 'Operating platform'}
{'key': ['constraints', 'members', '0'], 'value': 'Bunoob'}
{'key': ['constraints', 'members', '1'], 'value': 1944}
{'key': ['constraints', 'members', '2'], 'value': 'Google'}
{'key': ['constraints', 'isMilestone'], 'value': True}
{'key': ['constraints', 'colors', '0'], 'value': 'blue'}
{'key': ['constraints', 'colors', '2'], 'value': 'red'}
{'key': ['order'], 'value': 'newest'}
- Python Cookbook 3rd Edition Documentation : Life is short and I use Python!