Cumulo is a realtime framework for small apps. It's designed like Flux to work with React.
This is the schema of actions used to connect server and clients:
action =
name: 'scope/behavior'
data: "JSON Data"
npm i --save cumulo
Here are the methods and constructors exposed:
exports.router = require './router'
exports.database = require './database'
exports.State = require './state'
exports.Store = require './store'
exports.Scene = require './scene'
exports.View = require './view'
exports.push = (state, name, data) ->
action = {name, data}
raw = JSON.stringify action, null, 2 raw
State needs to be intrdoces first, it's plain Object.
will be used to detect if used logined..cache
is a place for holding cache, and removed with
is also important, cumulo
to push data to client
wss = new Server port: 3000
wss.on 'connection', (ws) ->
state =
# states will dispatch based on userId?
userId: null
id: shortid.generate()
cache: {}
ws: ws
userId: null
message: 1
thread: 1
step: 5
cumulo = require 'cumulo'
router = cumulo.router
# for debugging
router.display = (state, action) ->
console.log state.userId, action
# events in router are mostly actions from websocket
ws.on 'message', (raw) ->
data = JSON.parse raw
router.dispatch state, data
# and we will do this in a store
router.register 'account/login', (state, data) ->
It's actually a JSON in memory, with frequently writing to disk:
cumulo = require 'cumulo'
# how long does it saves to disk
duration: 100000
dbPath: path.join __dirname, '../data/database.json'
# JSON object
gatherData: ->
# collect data before saving
onLoad: (json) ->
# get JSON data, and dispatch to stores
And example of state, actually it's states of all websockets.
First you need to define a file named states
cumulo = require 'cumulo'
lodash = require 'lodash'
router = cumulo.router
states = new cumulo.State
module.exports = states
router.register 'state/morePage', (state, data) ->
# it's also a dispatcher listened by scenes
states.dispatch state
and with .record
to keep track of all states:
states.record state 'state record',
ws.on 'close', ->
states.unrecord state 'state unrecord',
state = null
cumulo = require 'cumulo'
router = cumulo.router
# initial data will be used in patching
# and it's mostly [] or {}
store = new cumulo.Store data: []
# store responds to router, and it's a dispatcher listend by scene too
router.register 'profile/add', (state, data) -> data
cumulo = require 'cumulo'
states = require '../states'
client = require '../view/client'
module.exports = new cumulo.Scene
# default value
data: {}
# duration of the looper to check .changed
duration: 400
broadcast: ->
# define how to notify all clients
states.each (state) =>
client.patch state, world: @get()
listen: ->
# when store changes, mark this scene changed
messagesStore.register =>
@changed = yes
# when state changes, call view patching
states.register (state) =>
client.patch state, world: @get()
render: ->
# returns an object representing the whole world
View represents a single user's perspective of a scene:
cumulo = require 'cumulo'
lodash = require 'lodash'
module.exports = new cumulo.View
# a name to caching data in state.cache
cacheName: 'client'
# here we use comulo.push to send data
syncSolution: (state, data) ->
cumulo.push state, 'client/sync', data
patchSolution: (state, data) ->
cumulo.push state, 'client/patch', data
# renderer when state.userId is null
renderGuest: ->
# JSON data, will be diffed
# renderer when state.userId is defined, meaning loginged
renderUser: (state, scene) ->
# JSON data, will be diffed
See chat-distract for Details.