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[MTM-59397] As a plugin developer I want to have a workflow that will collect shell versions and run cypress tests against them #14

[MTM-59397] As a plugin developer I want to have a workflow that will collect shell versions and run cypress tests against them

[MTM-59397] As a plugin developer I want to have a workflow that will collect shell versions and run cypress tests against them #14

name: Collect shell versions
pull_request: # TODO: change workflow trigger
contents: read
timeout-minutes: 30
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
name: Get shell versions by tags
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '16'
cache: 'npm'
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: npm ci
# - name: Build
# run: npm run build:ci
# - name: Upload build artifact
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: build
# if-no-files-found: error
# retention-days: 5
# path: |
# dist/apps/sag-pkg-community-plugins/**
- name: Get @c8y/ngx-components, non-deprecated dist versions
id: check-deprecated
run: npm run collect-shell-versions
- name: Use non-deprecated versions
run: |
echo "Non-deprecated Versions: ${{ steps.check-deprecated.outputs.non_deprecated_shell_versions }}"
# further should run in loop for each shell version
- name: Get shell app of particular version
run: |
# Extract the 'next' tag version from the JSON
json=${{ steps.check-deprecated.outputs.non_deprecated_shell_versions }}
next_version=$(echo $json | jq -r '.next')
echo "Version is: $next_version"
# Construct the file URL
echo "File url is: $file_url "
# # Download the file
# curl -O $file_url
# # Extract the downloaded tar.gz file
# tar -xzf "apps-${next_version}.tgz"
# # Locate and extract the cockpit file inside the extracted folder
# extracted_folder=$(basename "apps-${next_version}" .tgz)
# cockpit_file="cockpit-${next_version}.tgz"
# find "$extracted_folder" -name "$cockpit_file" -exec tar -xzf {} -C "dist/apps" \;
# # Echo the elements of dist/apps
# echo "Contents of dist/apps:"
# ls dist/apps
# - name: Check dist folder
# run: |
# # Echo the elements of dist/apps
# echo "Contents of dist/apps:"
# ls dist/apps
# ls dist/apps/cockpit-1020.0.10
# ls dist/apps/sag-pkg-community-plugins