The objective of cc.buildr is to help at all stages of the development of a Curbcut instance. cc.buildr is used to build the first set of data shared by all Curbcut instances, but also to help with the processing of data for new Curbcut pages.
You can install the development version of cc.buildr from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
cc.buildr creates and works from long lists of tibble
. For faster
building, the package frequently uses functions of the future_*apply
family from the future.apply
package, for any computationally
intensive work. These implementations of the apply family function can
be solved using any backend supported by future (parallelization). We
therefore recommend defining a future backend at the beginning of the
data building script.
Let’s also enable the global progression handler to get a progress bar on those more computationally intensive work.
progressr::handlers(global = TRUE)
To obtain access to the Curbcut pre-processed national datasets, contact Max at [email protected].
We start by declaring all the “regions” for which data can be visualized. Each of the following regions (CMA, island, city, cmhc) and scales (CSD, CT, DA, building and cmhczone) is a different mapbox tileset. At this stage, the regions must be in a priority order: If the user defaults to a region that is not available for a certain dataset, the map will instead display the region closest to the top of the list that has the available data.
all_tables <-
list("CMA" = c("CSD", "CT", "DA", "building"),
"island" = c("CSD", "CT", "DA", "building"),
"city" = c("CSD", "CT", "DA", "building"),
"cmhc" = c("cmhczone"))
The master_polygon
is a single spatial feature encompassing all the
regions under study. Create a list of where geometries must be found for
every region. For any census geometries, codes from
can be fed: A named list of census
regions to retrieve. Links to shapefiles also work. Using
, retrieve the CMA code of the region
(if it is a CMA). This will be useful for the ‘Vacancy rate’ page.
cancensus_cma_code <- 24462
all_regions <- list(CMA = list(CMA = cancensus_cma_code),
city = list(CSD = 2466023),
island = "geometry/island.shp",
cmhc = get_cmhc_zones(list(CMA = cancensus_cma_code)))
base_polygons <- create_master_polygon(all_regions = all_regions)
crs <- base_polygons$crs
On one instance of Curbcut, users can move from one region to another
within the same study space. A Curbcut Montreal user can analyze a
dataset through the lens of the Montreal metropolitan area, or only
through the city of Montreal to compare boroughs. The implications are
that dynamically created text must be informed by a dictionary of
regions to correctly serve the right information using accurate wording.
Create the regions dictionary and see ?cc.buildr::regions_dictionary
to understand the meaning of each argument.
regions_dictionary <-
all_tables = all_tables,
geo = c("CMA", "island", "city", "cmhc"),
name = c(CMA = "Metropolitan Area",
island = "Island of Montreal",
city = "City of Montreal",
cmhc = "Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation zones"),
to_compare = c(CMA = "in the Montreal region",
island = "on the island of Montreal",
city = "in the City of Montreal",
cmhc = "in the Montreal region"),
pickable = c(CMA = TRUE,
island = TRUE,
city = TRUE,
cmhc = FALSE))
Using the output of previous retrievals, get a list of census scales.
census_scales <-
build_census_scales(master_polygon = base_polygons$master_polygon,
regions = base_polygons$province_cancensus_code,
crs = crs)
Optional: In the case of Curbcut Montreal, the City of Montreal can be
split using the boroughs, which should replace the City at the CSD
scale. cc.buildr::split_scale
performs this operation.
boroughs <- sf::st_read("arrondissements_mtl.shp")
census_scales$CSD <- split_scale(destination = census_scales$CSD,
cutting_layer = boroughs,
DA_table = census_scales$DA,
crs = crs)
Create the scales dictionary for the same reason we need a regions dictionary (correctly serve the right information using accurate wording). In the case a feature has been split, update the according scale in the dictionary.
scales_dictionary <- census_scales_dictionary(census_scales)
scales_dictionary[1, ] <- list(scale = "CSD",
sing = "borough/city",
plur = "boroughs or cities",
slider_title = "Borough/City",
place_heading = "{name_2} of {name}",
place_name = "{name}")
Spatial features of buildings are built through a combination of Open
Street Map and Microsoft’s Canadian Building Footprints dataset. Reverse
geocoding is performed by a set of government public APIs and the Open
Street Map API. Buildings nationally have been previously built and
reverse geocoded through the
package. We use the dissemination
area IDs to retrieve all the buildings specific to a study area.
buildings <- = "buildings",
DA_ID = census_scales$DA$ID)
scales_dictionary <-
scale = "building",
sing = "dissemination area",
plur = "dissemination areas",
slider_title = "Building",
place_heading = "{name}",
place_name = "The dissemination area around {name}")
If the space under study is a CMA, cc.buildr creates a ready to use Vacancy rate module. If this is the case, the regions must be properly created and specified in the scale dictionary.
cmhczone <- get_cmhc_zones(list(CMA = cancensus_cma_code))
cmhczone <- additional_scale(additional_table = cmhczone,
DA_table = census_scales$DA,
ID_prefix = "cmhc",
name_2 = "CMHC zone",
crs = crs)
scales_dictionary <-
scale = "cmhczone",
sing = "CMHC zone",
plur = "CMHC zones",
slider_title = "CMHC zone",
place_heading = "CMHC zone of {name}",
place_name = "{name}")
cc.buildr lets a builder add any region or scale that is not only
census-related through the cc.buildr::additional_scale
function. This
is an example of the collaboration with Centraide of Greater Montreal:
centraide <- sf::st_read("centraide.shp")
centraide <- additional_scale(additional_table = centraide,
DA_table = census_scales$DA,
ID_prefix = "centraide",
name_2 = "Centraide zone",
crs = crs)
scales_dictionary <-
scale = "centraide",
sing = "centraide zone",
plur = "centraide zones",
slider_title = "Centraide zone",
place_heading = "Centraide zone of {name}",
place_name = "{name}")
The way the regions and scales are organized in the following data
construction is through a list of depth 2, where the region is the first
depth and the scales are the second. The major contribution of
is that, for example, the city$DA table
is a spatial filter between the city region and the DA table. It also
updates the naming and IDs to ensure that all scales in a region can
properly talk to each other.
all_scales <- c(census_scales,
list(building = building),
list(centraide = centraide),
list(cmhczone = cmhczone))
scales_consolidated <- consolidate_scales(all_tables = all_tables,
all_scales = all_scales,
regions = base_polygons$regions,
crs = crs)
verify_dictionaries(all_tables = all_tables,
regions_dictionary = regions_dictionary,
scales_dictionary = scales_dictionary)
Each variable has a unique set of elements that the platform relies on
to correctly provide the predefined and precomputed information. This
ranges from the title or explanation of the variable to the pre-computed
breaks. The same is true for modules. The module
table contains
information about the name of a module, its description, … We add empty
tables that will be filled each time a variable is added.
scales_variables_modules <-
append_empty_variables_table(scales_consolidated = scales_consolidated)
scales_variables_modules <-
append_empty_modules_table(scales = scales_variables_modules)
scales_variables_modules <-
ba_census_data(scales_variables_modules = scales_variables_modules,
region_DA_IDs = census_scales$DA$ID,
census_vectors =,
crs = crs,
housing_module = TRUE)
scales_variables_modules <-
ru_vac_rate(scales_variables_modules = scales_variables_modules,
crs = crs, geo_uid = cancensus_cma_code)
scales_variables_modules <-
ru_alp(scales_variables_modules = scales_variables_modules,
crs = crs)
scales_variables_modules <-
ru_canbics(scales_variables_modules = scales_variables_modules,
crs = crs)
traveltimes <-
accessibility_get_travel_times(region_DA_IDs = census_scales$DA$ID)
scales_variables_modules <-
ba_accessibility_points(scales_variables_modules = scales_variables_modules,
region_DA_IDs = census_scales$DA$ID,
traveltimes = traveltimes,
crs = crs)