This dog looks similar to the Boston Dynamic four legged robot named spot. This version was created by KDY0523 and named Spotmicro after the Boston Dynamics robot.
Already there have been other creators out there modifying the design to change or add features, so you know I will be looking at those as well. In the original design, an ArduinoMega 2560 was used to run Spotmicro, however there are mods to allow the use of a Raspberry Pi, so this is the way I will be going :-)
Building the robot is not overly complex, but I have created a set of instructions: as well as a series of videos:
The Parts file contains a list of the different hardware I used as well as the locations and creators where I found these files and the files I used from those uploads.:
The system will be running on My Robot Lab (MRL), available from I also have a set of instructions on setting up the Raspberry pi and installing My Robot Lab onto the Raspberry pi.: Note, that these instructions were based on MyRobotLab version 1.1.822 and do not work on later versions. A new set of instructions for version 1.1.1034 and above is currently beinging worked on.
If your not really interested in learning to program, and just want to run spot, you will need to download and install the program.