![Image of Yaktocat] (https://github.com/CybexDex/KYC/blob/master/KYC.jpg)
- install & setup pure faucet, git addr is: https://github.com/CybexDex/CybexFaucet.git
- install & setup mongodb, create db cybex_faucet_test
- setup user&password as faucet,faucet123, same with pm2.json(below is just a example):
{ "apps": [ { "name": "CybexFaucet", "script": "server/server.js", "env": { "NODE_ENV": "development", "NODE_API": "wss://shenzhen.51nebula.com/", "FAUCET_ACCOUNT": "sunxiaoqi-01", "FAUCET_ACCOUNT_WIF": "5KWTrrQMyD7Ez62viB36r75ur9ZJ6DPu3qkSa2eDcpE99XfD8ye", "PORT": 8087, "DB_URL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/", "DB_NAME": "cybex_faucet_test", "DB_USER": "faucet", "DB_PASS": "faucet123" }, "env_test": { "NODE_ENV": "test", "NODE_API": "wss://shenzhen.51nebula.com/", "FAUCET_ACCOUNT": "sunxiaoqi-01", "FAUCET_ACCOUNT_WIF": "5KWTrrQMyD7Ez62viB36r75ur9ZJ6DPu3qkSa2eDcpE99XfD8ye", "DB_URL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/", "PORT": 8087, "DB_NAME": "cybex_faucet_test", "DB_USER": "faucet", "DB_PASS": "faucet123" }, "env_production": { "NODE_ENV": "production", "NODE_API": "wss://shanghai.51nebula.com/", "FAUCET_ACCOUNT": "", "FAUCET_ACCOUNT_WIF": "", "DB_URL": "mongodb://localhost:27017/", "DB_NAME": "cybex_faucet", "DB_USER": "", "DB_PASS": "" } } ] }
- create collection kyc, add index:
> db.kyc.createIndex({'name':1, 'kyc_id':-1}, { unique: true } ) > db.kyc.getIndexes() [ { "v" : 2, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "cybex_faucet_test.kyc" }, { "v" : 2, "unique" : true, "key" : { "name" : 1 }, "name" : "name_1", "ns" : "cybex_faucet_test.kyc" } ]
- install & setup kdb+/q, git addr: https://github.com/CybexDex/kdbSync.qpy , also need to set access control (q -u passfile, e.g script/q/pass)
- q $BASE/script/q/kyc.q -u -p
q)\f `delExpire`genCode`verifyCode q)\a ,`codeTable
- install sendmail(python lib need it), mailutils
- apt-get install sendmail,mailutils
- pip install -r production.pip
./start.sh > log.log 2>&1 &
open http://host:port/apidocs and check log.log and mydebug.log