- The script should run under python2 as kdbq lib only support python2
- You need to know the mongodb address, user, passwd, port and set into config.py
- You need to connect a delayed node to keep up with chain blks
After git clone this repo.
- kdb py client
cd lib/kdbq/lib
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
python setup.py /path/to/this/dir/as/full
- install pymongo
pip install pymongo
- install flatten json tool
pip install flatten_json
- Set kdb/q After fetch q bin (bin/home/q).
apt-get install rlwrap
Set below to your .bash_profile or .profile under home directory.
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/q/l32:$BASE_DIR/bin
export QHOME=/path/to/q
alias q="rlwrap /path/to/q/l32/q"
Here is a structure example
# tree ~/q
├── l32
│ └── q
├── q.k
├── q.q
├── README.txt
├── s.k
├── sp.q
└── trade.q
cd src/python
vi config.py
please config the right node, mongodb, q connection.
q -p 9009
If you want to change kdb database location, need to change store.q code as: