A widget for yasb (Yet Another Status Bar) that reads values written in the registry by HWiNFO.
- Download this repository
- Copy the
folders intopath/to/yasb/src/core
- Update your
(See usage below)
First you need to setup HWiNFO so that it writes its values to the registry, for that you can follow this guide.
At the end of your config.yaml
file add the following:
gpu_temperature: # The name of the widget
type: "hwinfo.monitor.Monitor"
label: "{info[value]}"
# ^ The format label for the widget. Accepts: string containing any of the below {info} format options
# info[sensor] - The name of the top level sensor
# info[label] - The name of the individual sensor element
# info[value] - A formatted version of the number value. Formatting will include commas for thousands separators, and the text value for the unit of measure.
# info[valueRaw] - A raw, unformatted version of the number value
# info[color] - The color chosen in the 'Logitech LCD' tab in HWiNFO
label_alt: "{info[sensor]} | {info[label]} | {info[value]} | {info[valueRaw]}"
# ^ The alternate format label for the widget. Accepts: string
update_interval: 2000 # How frequently it reads the values from registry (in milliseconds). Accepts: positive integer between 1 and 60000
index: 3 # The index assigned to the sensor, you can check it by executing the following command in a command prompt: reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\HWiNFO64\VSB Accepts: positive integer between 0 and 10000. Required field.
class_name: "GPU_temp" # The CSS class name of the custom widget. Accepts: string. Required field.
on_left: "toggle_label" # Toggles between 'label' and 'label_alt'
on_middle: "do_nothing"
on_right: "do_nothing"
Finally add the widget in your bar:
# ...
# ...
right: ["gpu_temperature"]
It is possible to style the label of the widget in the styles.css
.hwinfo.widget_name .label { /* where widget_name is the class_name of the widget */
padding: 2px 4px;
font-size: 14px;
border-radius: 5px;
background: #32b51a;
type: "hwinfo.monitor.Monitor"
label: "{info[value]}"
update_interval: 2000
index: 3
class_name: "CPU_temp"
.hwinfo.CPU_temp .label {
padding: 2px 4px;
font-size: 14px;
border-radius: 5px;
background: #3987da;