- Zequencer is a variant calling pipeline that has been optimized for Illumina's MiSeq generated reads
- It assumes:
- The reads are that high quality, high accuracy as expected with a properly calibrated MiSeq platform.
- Input files are in the -R1.fastq.gz / -R2.fastq.gz format, 2 separate fastq.gz files.
- A single sequence reference fasta file for the reference sequence.
- A header-less, tab-delimited bed file with:
- The primer name is underscore delimited:
- Some primer kits have alternate primers that pair.
- eg. SARS-CoV-2_4_LEFT SARS-CoV-2_4_RIGHT, SARS-CoV-2_5_RIGHT_alt2
- PRIME_GROUP is a primers that do not overlap, there is often two groups.
- The primer name is underscore delimited:
- File names are of the naming format SAMPLE_NAME-R1.fastq.gz and SAMPLE_NAME-R2.fastq.gz
- Where R1 is the has one set of reads, and R2 has the matching reverse paired reads.
- headers are in the miseq nomenclature:
- example @M01472:366:000000000-JDJFD:1:1101:14487:2478 2:N:0:15 matches to: @M01472:366:000000000-JDJFD:1:1101:14487:2478 1:N:0:15
- Version 2 uses snakemake to manage the multithreaading.
- It can also skip steps that already has the output files' existing (such as pulling the configuration files from NCBI)
- The major difference is it must be configured with a json configuration file.
- The config file allows setting arguments on a per rule basis, in case a argument needs to be set differently in a different step of the pipeline.
- Additionally, any valid argument can be set in the bioinformatic tools
- Priority is as follows:
- Argument settings in the config file that is declared in the snakemake command line call
- Argument settings in the default config file (.src/variant_calling_rules.json)
- Argument settings defaults of the bioinformatic tool
- Priority is as follows:
- Zequencer has been modified over the years.
- The pipeline one uses is specific to the primers set.
- Considerations to modifying the pipeline include:
- Are one or more of the primer multiplexed and amplify differently in the overlapping region?
- The primers are based on the SARS-COV2 - MN908947.3 strain. Some primers have alternates that are offset with the goal of increasing the amplification in that part of the genome
- The after trimming, consecutive amplicons overlap by 20-60 bp's (see bed file)
- Are all primers the same length?
- This workflow assumes the primers are not all the same length. It attempts to trim only the primer region instead of just trimming a set bp from each side.
- Are the forward primers paired with a specific reverse primer?
- This worflow assumes the use of forward and reverse primers. Additionally, each amplicon should map to one location in the genome.
- If there is recombination, this pipeline may not be able to identify the recombination. The reads are mapped and filtered using the reference genome or expected amplicon regions of the genome
- A pipeline that specializes in recombination (and possibly a different primer system )
- Are there alternates in the primers (offset by a few base pairs)?
- This primer system has alternates that are offset by a few base pairs.
- When set to strict_adaptors, the forward and reverse primers much be a perfect match and occur on opposites ends of the reads.
- Alternate primers are allowed to be considered a match regaurdless if the reverse primer is alternate.
- Do primers in the same (or about the same) locations have different sequences meant to amplify different variants?
- The primers are not multiplexed to pick up variants. If the downsampling is set to a positive number (200 or 2000 recommended) downsampling normalization can still be done
- Do primers map to multiple locations in the genome?
- The primers do not map to multiple locations in the genome.
- This version merges the forward and reverse reads and requires a miniumum overlap of 12 BP to be considered a valid read.
- As stated before reads resulting from recombination will likely be removed and not called as variants.
- This merge step may make it difficult to find recombination, but it this helps remove PCR Chimera's or other PCR errors, where recombination happens during the PCR process
- Are one or more of the primer multiplexed and amplify differently in the overlapping region?
- Not all pipelines work for all situations. Do not blindly apply this pipeline to another primer/adapter system.
- There are 2 main workflows:
- Merge forward and reverse reads (bbduk),
- map read with to make bam file (bbmap),
- Collate (randomize) reads (samtools)
- custom filtering, masking, downsampling algorithm
- Creates 3 files: a single BAM file, a file with group 1 primers only and a file with group 2 primers
- variant calling and annotating (bbmap call variants, SNPeff)
- Mirrored Previous Version of zequencer
- BBMAP package Trimming/Filtering (bbduk) and amplicon mapping downsampling,
- mapping reads to make bam file (bbamp),
- filter reads for length (bbmap reformat)
- variant calling and annotating (bbmap call variants, SNPeff)
- JSON format
- each rule based (dictionary) using the same arguments as their respective bioinformatic packages.
- Snakemake can use relative paths (to the current working directory of where the workflow is launched or absolute paths.
- This may be a different directory than where snakemake file exists
- The first settings: ref_dir, out_dir, input_dir, ram & skip_downsample
"ref_dir": "ref",
"out_dir": "out",
"input_dir": "./",
"ram": "8000",
"use_amplicon_norm_bbduk_trim": "f",
"bbmap_merged_reads": {
"maxindel": "100",
"overwrite": "t",
"nodisk": "t"
"filter_downsample_mask_bam": {
"--primer_max_ins": "0",
"--primer_max_sub": "1",
"--primer_max_del": "0",
"--downsample": "t"
"bbmap_call_variants": {
"minallelefraction": "0.001",
"rarity": "0.001",
"coverage": "t",
"calldel": "t",
"callins": "t",
"callsub": "t",
"mincov": "2",
"minreads": "7",
"minscore": "10",
"minquality": "10",
"overwrite": "t",
"minstrandratio": "0",
"minpairingrate": "0",
"usebias": "f",
"useedist": "f",
"useidentity": "f",
"minedist": "0",
"border": "0",
"trimq": "0",
"nscan": "f",
"minreadmapq": "0",
"minqualitymax": "10",
"covpenalty": "0"
"bbduk_filter_primer_reads": {
"k": "21",
"hdist": "3",
"rcomp": "f",
"minlength": "75",
"restrictleft": "32",
"overwrite": "t"
"bbduk_trim_primer_and_quality": {
"ktrim": "l",
"k": "21",
"qtrim": "rl",
"trimq": "30",
"hdist": "3",
"rcomp": "f",
"minlength": "75",
"restrictleft": "32",
"overwrite": "t"
"slow_amplicon_normalization": {
"--reads_per_amplicon": "2000",
"--min_length_diff": "60",
"--include_primer": "f"
"bbmap_reformat_trim_read_length": {
"maxlength": "450",
"minlength": "250",
"overwrite": "t"
"bbmap_filtered_trimmed": {
"maxindel": "100",
"overwrite": "t",
"nodisk": "t"
- any declared key-value pair or key-list (if applicable) pair will be overwrite defaults.
- if only one key-value pare of the dictionary is changed, than only that entry will be overwritten, the rest will remain.
- This example will run the amplicon based downsampling and bbduk trimming/filtering:
- The file in this example is named ~/zequencer_configs/variant_calling_rules_ncov_v4.json
"ncbi_accession": "MN908947.3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bed_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed",
"ref_fasta_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta",
"ref_adaptor_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.primer.fasta",
"config_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/ref/MN908947.3.config",
"ref_dir": "~/zequencer_ncov19/ref",
"out_dir": "~/covid_19_v4/out_23",
"primer_amplicon_path" : "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.primer_amplicon.csv",
"input_dir": "~/covid_19_v4",
"src_dir": "/src",
"use_amplicon_norm_bbduk_trim": "t"
- This example will run the custom trimming/filtering step:
"ncbi_accession": "MN908947.3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bed_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed",
"ref_fasta_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta",
"ref_adaptor_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.primer.fasta",
"config_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/ref/MN908947.3.config",
"ref_dir": "~/zequencer_ncov19/ref",
"out_dir": "~/covid_19_v4/out_23",
"primer_amplicon_path" : "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.primer_amplicon.csv",
"input_dir": "~/covid_19_v4",
"src_dir": "/src",
"use_amplicon_norm_bbduk_trim": "f"
- This example will run the custom trimming/filtering step and change reads_per_amplicon downsampling from 800 to 1000
"ncbi_accession": "MN908947.3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bed_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed",
"ref_fasta_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta",
"ref_adaptor_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.primer.fasta",
"config_path": "~/zequencer_ncov19/ref/MN908947.3.config",
"ref_dir": "~/zequencer_ncov19/ref",
"out_dir": "~/covid_19_v4/out_23",
"primer_amplicon_path" : "~/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V4/SARS-CoV-2.primer_amplicon.csv",
"input_dir": "~/covid_19_v4",
"src_dir": "/src",
"use_amplicon_norm_bbduk_trim": "f",
"filter_downsample_mask_bam": {
"--primer_max_ins": "1",
"--primer_max_sub": "1",
"--primer_max_del": "1",
"--downsample": "t",
"--reads_per_amplicon": "1000"
-This example will be for artic V3
"ncbi_accession": "MN908947.3",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bed_path": "path_to_local_repository/zequencer_ncov19/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V3/nCoV-2019.scheme.bed",
"ref_fasta_path": "/path_to_local_repository/zequencer_ncov19/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V3/nCoV-2019.reference.fasta",
"ref_adaptor_path": "/path_to_local_repository/zequencer_ncov19/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V3/nCoV-2019_adapters.fasta",
"config_path": "/path_to_local_repository/zequencer_ncov19/zequencer_ncov19/ref/MN908947.3.config",
"ref_dir": "/path_to_local_repository/zequencer_ncov19/ref",
"out_dir": "/path_to_data/out",
"primer_amplicon_path" : "/path_to_local_repository/zequencer_ncov19/nCoV-2019/V3/nCoV-2019.primer_amplicon.csv",
"input_dir": "/path_to_data/fastq",
"use_amplicon_norm_bbduk_trim": "f",
"filter_downsample_mask_bam": {
"--max_ins": "1",
"--max_sub": "1",
"--max_del": "1",
"--downsample": "t",
"--reads_per_amplicon": "3000"
- Running from docker is recommended but still optional.
- Note: If using docker the ~/ as a shortcut points to the home directory of the image, not the mount
# launch the docker as needed (optional)
docker run -it -v /home:/home zequencer:v2
# launch the snakemake workflow
snakemake --snakefile ~/zequencer_ncov19/zequencer.smk \
--cores 1 \
--configfile ~/zequencer_configs/variant_calling_rules_ncov_v4.json
- Defaults are based on the docker deployed version.
- Bed path, ref_adaptor_path, ref_path and config_path should be changed as needed.
- Many of these settings directly change the arguments of the BBMAP suite of tools
- Setting strict_adaptors to TRUE will use a custom script to locate the primers, ensure they are a perfect match, a matching reverse paired end, occur on the ends, and trim the primers.
argument | single_character | type | default | help |
sample_dir | a | string | sample_dir where your samples reside must be SAMPLENAME_R1.fastq.gz and SAMPLENAME_R2.fastq.gz format | |
ref_adaptor_path | b | string | /nCoV-2019_adapters.fasta | ref_adaptor_path filepath of your fasta adaptor/ primer file (forward only, no rev. comp's) is |
ref_path | c | string | /ref/MN908947.3.fasta | filepath of the reference sequence |
config_path | d | string | /ref/MN908947.3.config | filepath of .config file to generate snpeff |
ram | e | int | 4000 | set ram explicitly for bbmap suite (in MB 4000 = 4GB) |
minallelefraction | f | float | 0.1 | fraction of called variant at that position (Allele Depth / Total Depth) |
minlength | g | int | 250 | minimum merged read length. Shorter reads will be removed |
maxlength | h | int | 450 | maximum merged read length. Longer reads will be removed. |
ncbi_accession | i | string | MN908947.3 | Ncbi_accession name, must match the snp_eff name in config |
minlength_diff | j | int | 60 | bp lower limit of merged read length compared to the mapped inner primer region length, strict_adapters must be set to True (t) to use |
maxlength_diff | k | int | 24 | bp upper limit of merged read length compared to the mapped inner primer region length, strict_adapters must be set to True (t) to use |
mincov | l | int | 2 | minimum coverage at that position |
minreads | m | int | 10 | minimum read count of the allele/variant of interest |
callsub | n | boolean | t | Set to false (f) to remove all substitutions from the variant file |
callins | o | boolean | t | Set to false (f) to remove all insertions from the variant file |
calldel | p | boolean | t | Set to false (f) to remove all insertions from the variant file |
strict_adaptors | q | boolean | f | Set to false (f) to use bbduk to filter. Set to True (looks for first character = T or t) to use a custom python script that ensures merged reads are of appropriate length and the reverse paired read primer matches the forward read primer |
minscore | r | int | 10 | minimum score in the read (not average) |
minquality | s | int | 10 | minimum quality reads with lower value will be remboed |
rarity | t | float | 0.1 | set to the same value as minallele fraction |
coverage | u | boolean | t | set to true to use coverage scores. |
maxindel | v | int | 100 | maximum insertion (N's) a read will be allowed to add and still be considered a valid mapping. |
k | w | int | 21 | bbduk setting |
ktrim | x | string | l | bbduk setting (r, l) |
qtrim | y | string | rl | bbduk setting (r, l, rl) |
trimq | z | int | 30 | bbduk setting |
hdist | A | int | 3 | bbduk setting |
rcomp | B | boolean | f | bbduk setting |
minlength_bbduk | C | int | 75 | bbduk setting |
restrictleft | D | int | 32 | bbduk setting |
minavgquality | E | int | 20 | bbduk setting |
minbasequality | F | int | 20 | bbduk setting |
use_diff | G | boolean | t | Use a +/- of each amplicon as set by minlength_diff and maxlength_diff instead of globally declaring minlength/maxlength regaurdless of the amplicon of interet. Only works if strict_adaptors is set |
bed_path | H | string | /nCoV-2019/V3/nCoV-2019.bed | File path of the bed file. Must be set to use strict_adaptors. |
outdir | I | string | ../out | if you want to manually set the outdir set it |
reads_per_amplicon | J | int | 0 | used for downsampling normalization 0 will not down sample. 200 or 2000 is typical |
downsampling_fasta_path | K | string | fasta of all the amplicons (start of forward to end of reverse primer to the reference genome given. If your amplicons map to multiple references you cannot use the short cut. If it is not declared it can be generated from the bedfile and reference fasta. | |
fast_normalize | L | boolean | t | uses a customized, faster normalization, but can only be used in conjunction with strict_adaptors = True, if using normalization this technique is upto 100x faster. |
rem_int_files | M | boolean | t | Removes all intermediate files created in the pipeline leaving the sorted bam, indexed bam, vcf and annotated vcf files |
- There is a lot of prerequisites you will need the following packages, directories and files: This pipeline has been successfully tested on the following operating systems: MacOSX 10.14 with some packages installed with homebrew. Ubuntu 18.04, 64 bit Debian (Buster 10.8, 64 bit) It is not compatible with a native Windows operating system (see docker instructions for Windows's operating systems) List of packages and relevant versions:
samtools 1.11
htslib-1.11-4 (bgzip, tabix)
snpEff_latest_core 5.0e
python3 (3.5 to 3.7)
snakmake 1.6
biopython 1.76
pandas 1.3.1
Additional files from this github repository (for COVID-19) src -- directory and contents zika_dak -- directory and contents nCoV-2019 -- directory and contents ref -- directory and contents
This has not been tested with docker on a Windows platform. This pipeline has been successfully tested on the following operating systems: MacOSX 10.14 with some packages installed with homebrew. Ubuntu 18.04, 64 bit
Download the directory zequencer_docker from github. Decompress the directory as needed, and change to the directory you downloaded. example if downloaded to you home directory ~/:
cd ~/zequencer_ncov19
# zequencer_ncov:v1 can be changed to a different tag as needed
docker build -t zequencer_ncov:v2 .
# run docker image (this uses in interactive mode, but interactive mode is not required),
# mounted volumes with -v can be changed as needed
# cpus can be changed as needed
docker run --cpus 4 -it -v /Volumes:/Volumes -v /Users:/Users zequencer_ncov:v2
- The email was replaced with a real email but censored only for this readme.
- It uses the nCoV-2019 v4.1 primers, that are saved to the docker image.
- the json file was saved to: /Volumes/T7/immunocompromised/config/variant_calling_rules_ncov_v4_all.json
"ncbi_accession": "MN908947.3",
"input_dir": "/Volumes/T7/MHC_genotyper/immunocompromised/input_files/v4_1",
"out_dir": "/Volumes/T7/MHC_genotyper/immunocompromised/out_v4_2",
"email": "[email protected]",
"bed_path": "/nCoV-2019/V4.1/SARS-CoV-2.scheme.bed",
"ref_fasta_path": "/nCoV-2019/V4.1/SARS-CoV-2.reference.fasta",
"ref_adaptor_path": "/nCoV-2019/V4.1/SARS-CoV-2.primer.fasta",
"config_path": "/ref/MN908947.3.config",
"ref_dir": "/ref",
"primer_amplicon_path" : "/nCoV-2019/V4.1/SARS-CoV-2.primer_amplicon.csv",
"src_dir": "/src",
"use_amplicon_norm_bbduk_trim": "f",
"ram": "20000"
- This is the bash script used to run the files
docker run -it -v /Users:/Users -v /Volumes:/Volumes zequencer_ncov19:v2_0_3
# assigned only 1 core because my machine did not have enough ram or cores to handle multiple processes running
snakemake --snakefile /zequencer.smk --cores 1 --configfile /Volumes/T7/immunocompromised/config/variant_calling_rules_ncov_v4_all.json
- The existing nomalization was developed by Dr. Nick Loman, Professor of Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics at University of Birmingham, and adapted by Dr. David O'Connors lab (fast_normalize = false) maps each read to each primer (all 196+)
- Then it will only retain up to the amount defined in reads_per_adaptor per each mapped primer
- Example:
- if reads_per_adaptor=2000, and 6000 reads map to primer one and 1500 reads to primer 2,
- only 2000 of the 6000 reads will be retained for primer one and all 1500 reads mapping to primer 2. 2.
- This is particularly useful if you have variants the only map to one primer set that is overlapping with another primer set.
- The fast_normalize method also downsamples, but does only one mapping step (instead of one per primer), and uses the position the start position of the mapped read to the reference and the positions of the primers in the bed file
- This uses a custom python script and pysam to conduct the filtering.
- This has been shown to be upto 100x faster than the other downsampling method
- This is similar to the algorithm used in Nexstrain's Minion step for ONT downsampling.
- The main advantage is speed, however if a future primer set is developed with primers that are specialized to find variants, this technique is not adequate for downsampling.
- Generally downsampling is optional, as the primer sets use the same reference sequence and is more to try to get a more accurate percentage for a variant in the case of one primer in an overlapping region doing better to amplify reads than another primer.
- This zequencer has added a custom filtering/trimming step
- It makes sure that the forward and corresponding reverse primers are part of the matched pair
- Reports percentage of Exact, Partial exact, and single primer matches
- Allows for "approximate" primer matches based on settings:
- primer_max_ins (insertions)
- primer_max_del (deletions)
- primer_max_sub (substitutions)
- Checks if the overlapping regions of primer groups coincide in the variant calls, and gives a report of non-matches between groups.
- set rem_int_files to false (--rem_int_files f) to keep the intermediate files generated by the pipeline. This will require about 5-10x more hardrive space but may help figure out issues
- During testing docker has randomly lost the ability to use relative paths because cwd or pwd failed on the mounted Volumes.
- You will see this as a "pwd cannot find ." or "os.getcwd()" error.
- using the command "pw"d will result in an error in bash.
- Exiting and rerunning the docker image and/or restarting docker resolved this issue during testing
- Bushnell, Brian. BBMap: A Fast, Accurate, Splice-Aware Aligner. United States: N. p., 2014.
- samtools, bcftools, htslib
- Li H., Handsaker B., Wysoker A., Fennell T., Ruan J., Homer N., Marth G., Abecasis G., Durbin R. and 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup (2009) The Sequence alignment/map (SAM) format and SAMtools.
- VarScan
- VarScan: variant detection in massively parallel sequencing of individual and pooled samples
- Daniel C. Koboldt, Ken Chen, Todd Wylie, David E. Larson, Michael D. McLellan, Elaine R. Mardis, George M. Weinstock, Richard K. Wilson, Li Ding
- Bioinformatics. 2009 Sep 1; 25(17): 2283–2285.
- SnpEff
- "A program for annotating and predicting the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms, SnpEff: SNPs in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster strain w1118; iso-2; iso-3.", Cingolani P, Platts A, Wang le L, Coon M, Nguyen T, Wang L, Land SJ, Lu X, Ruden DM. Fly (Austin). 2012 Apr-Jun;6(2):80-92. PMID: 22728672
- seqtk
- pyfasta
- biopython
- Peter J. A. Cock, Tiago Antao, Jeffrey T. Chang, Brad A. Chapman, Cymon J. Cox, Andrew Dalke, Iddo Friedberg, Thomas Hamelryck, Frank Kauff, Bartek Wilczynski, Michiel J. L. de Hoon, Biopython: freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology and bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 11, 1 June 2009, Pages 1422–1423
- pandas
- McKinney, W., & others. (2010). Data structures for statistical computing in python. In Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science Conference (Vol. 445, pp. 51–56).
- artic network and nextstrain
- David A. Baker bioinformatician in Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin lead programmer of this pipeline
- Dr. David O'Connor, Medical Foundation Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin for writing the first Zequencer Pipeline,
- Dr. Nick Loman, Professor of Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics at University of Birmingham and Shelby O'Connor, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin
- John (JJ) Baczenas: Associate Research Specialist in Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University off Wisconsin for defining Pipeline criteria, generating test data, and QA testing.
- Katarina (Kat) Braun, MD-PhD, and Gage Moreno PhD students in Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin for defining pipeline criteria and generating test data.