Building status (live master brach), check logs for clang static analyzer & valgrind memcheck output.
Development status:
- command line arguments with exit code:
- 1 ← arguments number is less than 3;
- 2 ← the second argument isn't an action;
- 3 ← input file isn't accessible;
- compressing
- the first input file pass;
- chars occurrence statistic;
- the second input file pass;
- output file writing, header:
- numbers bits count;
- symbols count;
- symbols occurrence statistic;
- end of statistic mark;
- output file writing: content;
- Huffman coding
- Huffman tree raising;
- encoding;
- extracting
- input file reading, header:
- numbers bits count;
- symbols count;
- symbols occurrence statistic;
- end of statistic mark;
- input file reading: content;
- output file writing;
- input file reading, header:
- Makefile (design assignment requirement, cmake is default)
- 'all' target
- 'clean' target
- compressing
- predefined symbols list;
- extracting
- bytes cache;
- bitwise operations speed-up;
- I/O speed-up
- unlocked std I/O;
- fgetc → fread (~ kByte);
- architecture-bit numbers.
- I/O
- fputc → fwrite;